Block Name | Total Households |
Total ST Households |
% of ST Households |
No. of Households with house ownership status as |
% of Households with house ownership status as |
Owned | Rented | Other | Owned | Rented | Other | ||||
DEDIYAPADA (4175) | 35528 | 34517 | 97.15% | 34139 | 168 | 207 | 96.09% | 0.47% | 0.58% |
GARUDESHWAR (7129) | 17846 | 16197 | 90.76% | 15706 | 391 | 96 | 88.01% | 2.19% | 0.54% |
NANDOD (4176) | 23613 | 17409 | 73.73% | 17064 | 248 | 91 | 72.27% | 1.05% | 0.39% |
SAGBARA (4177) | 22276 | 20600 | 92.48% | 20297 | 216 | 85 | 91.12% | 0.97% | 0.38% |
TILAKWADA (4178) | 12830 | 4620 | 36.01% | 4567 | 35 | 15 | 35.6% | 0.27% | 0.12% |