Monthly Income of highest earning household member in Disabled Member category households

State : PUNJAB (3) >> District : AMRITSAR (27)
Block Name Total
Disabled Member Households
% of Disabled Member Households No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
AJNALA (210) 33212 944 2.84% 658 171 115 1.98% 0.51% 0.35%
ATTARI (6621) 31936 726 2.27% 530 139 57 1.66% 0.44% 0.18%
CHOGAWAN (212) 26649 629 2.36% 354 172 103 1.33% 0.65% 0.39%
HARSHE CHHINA (215) 25026 541 2.16% 290 173 78 1.16% 0.69% 0.31%
JANDIALA GURU (216) 48729 1549 3.18% 865 474 210 1.78% 0.97% 0.43%
MAJITHA (218) 40514 1186 2.93% 759 255 172 1.87% 0.63% 0.42%
RAYYA (221) 49614 1321 2.66% 917 281 123 1.85% 0.57% 0.25%
TARSIKKA (223) 29513 958 3.25% 535 319 104 1.81% 1.08% 0.35%
VERKA (225) 57003 479 0.84% 298 128 53 0.52% 0.22% 0.09%