ST Households Summary

State : MADHYA PRADESH (23) >> District : KHARGONE (414)
Block Name Total Households Landless households deriving major part of their income from manual casual labour % Households with non-agricultural enterprises registered with government % Households paying income tax / professional tax % Households with Destitutes/living on alms % Households with salaried job in government % Households with salaried job in Public % Households with salaried job in Private % Monthly income of highest earning household member is < 5000 % Monthly income of highest earning household member is 5000 - 10000 % Monthly income of highest earning household member is > 10000 % Household with government job and reporting monthly highest income > 5000 % Households having motorized two/three/four wheelers and fishing boats % Households having 2 wheeler % Households having 3 wheeler % Households having 4 wheeler % Households having motorized fishing boat % Households Own a refrigerator % Households Own a landline phone % Households Owns mobile only % Households Owns both landline and mobile % Household without any phone % Households owning mechanized three/four wheeler agricultural equipments % Households having kisan credit card with the credit limit of Rs.50,000 and above % Total Households owning un-irrrigated land % Total Households owning irrrigated land % Total Households owning other land % Households with irrigation equipments % Household who have no land but have irrigation equipment % Household which don't own land but have kissan credit card %
BARWAH (3891) 12252 8968 73.2% 24 0.2% 155 1.27% 24 0.2% 393 3.21% 144 1.18% 20 0.16% 11144 90.96% 864 7.05% 244 1.99% 338 2.76% 1006 8.21% 979 7.99% 8 0.07% 16 0.13% 3 0.02% 208 1.7% 8 0.07% 4546 37.1% 24 0.2% 7674 62.63% 96 0.78% 713 5.82% 1772 14.46% 1375 11.22% 489 3.99% 1123 9.17% 18 0.15% 21 0.17%
BHAGVANPURA (3892) 29378 15355 52.27% 99 0.34% 194 0.66% 25 0.09% 384 1.31% 10 0.03% 39 0.13% 27513 93.65% 1438 4.89% 427 1.45% 279 0.95% 1461 4.97% 1345 4.58% 4 0.01% 90 0.31% 22 0.07% 224 0.76% 13 0.04% 5161 17.57% 83 0.28% 24121 82.11% 233 0.79% 442 1.5% 9527 32.43% 5100 17.36% 1616 5.5% 2182 7.43% 100 0.34% 67 0.23%
BHIKANGAON (3893) 16210 9928 61.25% 48 0.3% 86 0.53% 19 0.12% 180 1.11% 93 0.57% 202 1.25% 14697 90.67% 1298 8.01% 215 1.33% 129 0.8% 999 6.16% 961 5.93% 6 0.04% 19 0.12% 13 0.08% 100 0.62% 14 0.09% 5203 32.1% 34 0.21% 10959 67.61% 233 1.44% 1228 7.58% 4480 27.64% 2543 15.69% 1140 7.03% 1879 11.59% 37 0.23% 47 0.29%
GOGAWAN (3894) 7325 5272 71.97% 13 0.18% 51 0.7% 15 0.2% 184 2.51% 3 0.04% 7 0.1% 6834 93.3% 307 4.19% 184 2.51% 146 1.99% 560 7.65% 334 4.56% 6 0.08% 219 2.99% 1 0.01% 84 1.15% 1 0.01% 1760 24.03% 19 0.26% 5545 75.7% 40 0.55% 337 4.6% 1561 21.31% 603 8.23% 251 3.43% 370 5.05% 7 0.1% 14 0.19%
KASRAWAD (3895) 11121 6945 62.45% 24 0.22% 136 1.22% 22 0.2% 325 2.92% 15 0.13% 226 2.03% 10027 90.16% 870 7.82% 224 2.01% 286 2.57% 948 8.52% 911 8.19% 2 0.02% 29 0.26% 6 0.05% 333 2.99% 3 0.03% 4571 41.1% 21 0.19% 6526 58.68% 55 0.49% 461 4.15% 2951 26.54% 1503 13.51% 791 7.11% 964 8.67% 6 0.05% 16 0.14%
KHARGONE (3896) 4844 3526 72.79% 11 0.23% 62 1.28% 28 0.58% 155 3.2% 25 0.52% 71 1.47% 4430 91.45% 295 6.09% 119 2.46% 127 2.62% 318 6.56% 313 6.46% 1 0.02% 4 0.08% 0 0% 50 1.03% 1 0.02% 1191 24.59% 7 0.14% 3645 75.25% 22 0.45% 111 2.29% 727 15.01% 508 10.49% 196 4.05% 364 7.51% 7 0.14% 10 0.21%
MAHESHWAR (3897) 12725 9821 77.18% 24 0.19% 137 1.08% 57 0.45% 414 3.25% 17 0.13% 34 0.27% 12017 94.44% 457 3.59% 251 1.97% 331 2.6% 706 5.55% 676 5.31% 1 0.01% 25 0.2% 4 0.03% 139 1.09% 2 0.02% 3279 25.77% 22 0.17% 9422 74.04% 40 0.31% 201 1.58% 1740 13.67% 1173 9.22% 517 4.06% 697 5.48% 20 0.16% 17 0.13%
SEGAON (3898) 12708 6736 53.01% 53 0.42% 112 0.88% 13 0.1% 355 2.79% 2 0.02% 38 0.3% 11577 91.1% 888 6.99% 243 1.91% 289 2.27% 765 6.02% 735 5.78% 5 0.04% 18 0.14% 7 0.06% 184 1.45% 2 0.02% 2967 23.35% 17 0.13% 9722 76.5% 106 0.83% 361 2.84% 5018 39.49% 2280 17.94% 865 6.81% 1416 11.14% 35 0.28% 32 0.25%
ZIRANYA (3899) 30932 19078 61.68% 50 0.16% 91 0.29% 71 0.23% 276 0.89% 260 0.84% 60 0.19% 27632 89.33% 2548 8.24% 752 2.43% 188 0.61% 1561 5.05% 1485 4.8% 14 0.05% 58 0.19% 4 0.01% 447 1.45% 17 0.05% 7127 23.04% 89 0.29% 23699 76.62% 332 1.07% 1140 3.69% 9599 31.03% 3491 11.29% 1411 4.56% 2453 7.93% 83 0.27% 70 0.23%