Monthly Income of highest earning household member in ST category households

State : MAHARASHTRA (27) >> District : NANDURBAR (486)
Block Name Total
ST Households
% of
ST Households
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
AKARANI (4474) 34696 34033 98.09% 31713 1628 692 91.4% 4.69% 1.99%
AKKALKUWA (4473) 47806 42733 89.39% 39252 2779 696 82.11% 5.81% 1.46%
NANDURBAR (4475) 52387 29982 57.23% 25837 2698 1221 49.32% 5.15% 2.33%
NAVAPUR (4476) 54041 51418 95.15% 42833 6347 2236 79.26% 11.74% 4.14%
SHAHADA (4477) 72024 42804 59.43% 38026 3592 1147 52.8% 4.99% 1.59%
TALODA (4478) 27748 23647 85.22% 21147 1585 914 76.21% 5.71% 3.29%