Excluded ST Households

State : JAMMU AND KASHMIR (1) >> District : JAMMU (5) >> Block : Nagrota (6867)
GP Name Total
ST Households
% of
ST Households
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria % of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria Atleast One Exclusion
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning motorized
two/three/four wheelers
/fishing boats
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning mechanized
three/four wheeler
agricultural equipments
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households having kisan
credit card with the credit
limit of Rs.50,000 and above
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with any
member as
government employee
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with non-agricultural
enterprises registered
with government
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with any
member earning more
than Rs. 10,000 p.m
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households paying
income tax
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households paying
professional tax
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with three
or more rooms with pucca
walls and pucca roof
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning
landline phones
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning 2.5 acres or
more irrigated land with at
least one irrigation equipment
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Household owning 5 acres or
more land irrigated for
two or more crop seasons
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning 7.5 acres or
more land with at least one
irrigation equipment
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning motorized
two/three/four wheelers
/fishing boats
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning mechanized
three/four wheeler
agricultural equipments
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households having kisan
credit card with the credit
limit of Rs.50,000 and above
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with any
member as
government employee
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with non-agricultural
enterprises registered
with government
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with any
member earning more
than Rs. 10,000 p.m
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households paying
income tax
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households paying
professional tax
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with three
or more rooms with pucca
walls and pucca roof
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning
landline phones
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning 2.5 acres or
more irrigated land with at
least one irrigation equipment
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Household owning 5 acres or
more land irrigated for
two or more crop seasons
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning 7.5 acres or
more land with at least one
irrigation equipment
Aithem (240604) 411 40 9.73% 27 28 34 5 22 26 23 23 21 23 21 22 0 25 6.57% 6.81% 8.27% 1.22% 5.35% 6.33% 5.6% 5.6% 5.11% 5.6% 5.11% 5.35% 0% 6.08% 35
Bain Bajalta (240602) 449 161 35.86% 79 32 8 36 0 67 19 19 98 123 17 1 0 1 17.59% 7.13% 1.78% 8.02% 0% 14.92% 4.23% 4.23% 21.83% 27.39% 3.79% 0.22% 0% 0.22% 131
Bamyal (240574) 241 126 52.28% 4 21 16 13 18 24 18 18 28 35 2 1 2 1 1.66% 8.71% 6.64% 5.39% 7.47% 9.96% 7.47% 7.47% 11.62% 14.52% 0.83% 0.41% 0.83% 0.41% 72
Chibba (240577) 446 210 47.09% 18 2 0 12 5 20 1 1 33 53 0 0 0 0 4.04% 0.45% 0% 2.69% 1.12% 4.48% 0.22% 0.22% 7.4% 11.88% 0% 0% 0% 0% 75
Chilla (240578) 231 39 16.88% 3 14 0 4 5 4 4 4 1 6 0 6 6 4 1.3% 6.06% 0% 1.73% 2.16% 1.73% 1.73% 1.73% 0.43% 2.6% 0% 2.6% 2.6% 1.73% 19
Dhok Waziran (240582) 617 11 1.78% 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.16% 0% 0% 0.16% 0% 0% 0.16% 0.16% 0.16% 0.16% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1
Jagti (240584) 839 369 43.98% 79 18 0 46 6 46 25 25 215 149 5 0 0 3 9.42% 2.15% 0% 5.48% 0.72% 5.48% 2.98% 2.98% 25.63% 17.76% 0.6% 0% 0% 0.36% 261
Kangrail (240507) 58 12 20.69% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0
Katal Batal (240591) 575 87 15.13% 4 0 0 17 0 17 4 4 16 36 0 0 1 0 0.7% 0% 0% 2.96% 0% 2.96% 0.7% 0.7% 2.78% 6.26% 0% 0% 0.17% 0% 41
Khanna Chargal Upper (240605) 772 281 36.4% 153 146 144 16 24 11 9 9 183 171 3 143 133 143 19.82% 18.91% 18.65% 2.07% 3.11% 1.42% 1.17% 1.17% 23.7% 22.15% 0.39% 18.52% 17.23% 18.52% 212
Khanna Chargal lower (240606) 772 281 36.4% 153 146 144 16 24 11 9 9 183 171 3 143 133 143 19.82% 18.91% 18.65% 2.07% 3.11% 1.42% 1.17% 1.17% 23.7% 22.15% 0.39% 18.52% 17.23% 18.52% 212
Marh (240575) 220 108 49.09% 4 2 0 7 0 7 2 2 16 11 0 0 0 0 1.82% 0.91% 0% 3.18% 0% 3.18% 0.91% 0.91% 7.27% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 22
Nadore (240590) 484 76 15.7% 28 17 4 5 24 32 16 16 15 41 11 10 0 12 5.79% 3.51% 0.83% 1.03% 4.96% 6.61% 3.31% 3.31% 3.1% 8.47% 2.27% 2.07% 0% 2.48% 51
Nagrota (240593) 1258 6 0.48% 2 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 2 5 0 0 0 0 0.16% 0% 0% 0.08% 0.16% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.16% 0.4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5
Panjgarian (240594) 477 236 49.48% 9 3 74 26 1 39 96 96 61 81 1 0 0 0 1.89% 0.63% 15.51% 5.45% 0.21% 8.18% 20.13% 20.13% 12.79% 16.98% 0.21% 0% 0% 0% 134
Pargalta (240603) 462 69 14.94% 20 0 0 8 61 7 8 8 32 25 0 0 3 0 4.33% 0% 0% 1.73% 13.2% 1.52% 1.73% 1.73% 6.93% 5.41% 0% 0% 0.65% 0% 69
Sagoon (240596) 503 81 16.1% 1 1 0 6 0 6 2 2 4 8 0 0 0 0 0.2% 0.2% 0% 1.19% 0% 1.19% 0.4% 0.4% 0.8% 1.59% 0% 0% 0% 0% 12
Surinsar (240597) 375 100 26.67% 1 0 0 12 2 10 7 7 10 16 0 0 0 0 0.27% 0% 0% 3.2% 0.53% 2.67% 1.87% 1.87% 2.67% 4.27% 0% 0% 0% 0% 21