Income source of SC Households

State : MAHARASHTRA (27) >> District : RAIGAD (491)
Block Name Total
SC Households
% of
SC Households
No. of Households with income source % of Households with income source
No. of Households with income source
1 = Cultivation
No. of Households with income source
Casual Labour
No. of Households with income source
or Full-Time
Domestic Service
No. of Households with income source
Rag Picking
No. of Households with income source
Own Account
No. of Households with income source
Alms collection
No. of Households with income source
%. of Households with income source
1 =
%. of Households with income source
Casual Labour
%. of Households with income source
or Full-Time
Domestic Service
%. of Households with income source
Rag Picking
%. of Households with income source
Own Account
%. of Households with income source
Alms collection
%. of Households with income source
ALIBAG (4525) 47594 780 1.64% 21 204 16 0 17 0 522 0.04% 0.43% 0.03% 0% 0.04% 0% 1.1%
KARJAT (4526) 34160 933 2.73% 151 191 18 3 16 1 553 0.44% 0.56% 0.05% 0.01% 0.05% 0% 1.62%
KHALAPUR (4527) 25997 1158 4.45% 60 166 16 0 43 0 873 0.23% 0.64% 0.06% 0% 0.17% 0% 3.36%
MAHAD (4528) 34117 710 2.08% 185 131 18 1 17 1 357 0.54% 0.38% 0.05% 0% 0.05% 0% 1.05%
MANGAON (4529) 30413 1272 4.18% 313 391 43 4 23 2 496 1.03% 1.29% 0.14% 0.01% 0.08% 0.01% 1.63%
MHASALA (4530) 11276 275 2.44% 50 121 39 1 2 0 62 0.44% 1.07% 0.35% 0.01% 0.02% 0% 0.55%
MURUD (4531) 13673 236 1.73% 27 100 7 0 4 1 97 0.2% 0.73% 0.05% 0% 0.03% 0.01% 0.71%
PANVEL (4532) 45122 1937 4.29% 168 125 73 10 32 2 1527 0.37% 0.28% 0.16% 0.02% 0.07% 0% 3.38%
PEN (4533) 35809 428 1.2% 48 156 11 0 3 5 205 0.13% 0.44% 0.03% 0% 0.01% 0.01% 0.57%
POLADPUR (4534) 9913 354 3.57% 160 86 1 0 7 2 98 1.61% 0.87% 0.01% 0% 0.07% 0.02% 0.99%
ROHA (4535) 32945 1293 3.92% 245 396 23 0 20 2 607 0.74% 1.2% 0.07% 0% 0.06% 0.01% 1.84%
SHRIVARDHAN (4536) 15068 528 3.5% 53 221 31 1 14 1 207 0.35% 1.47% 0.21% 0.01% 0.09% 0.01% 1.37%
SUDHAGAD (4537) 15547 346 2.23% 81 94 2 0 74 1 94 0.52% 0.6% 0.01% 0% 0.48% 0.01% 0.6%
TALA (4538) 8330 320 3.84% 165 99 14 1 14 0 27 1.98% 1.19% 0.17% 0.01% 0.17% 0% 0.32%
URAN (4539) 25480 345 1.35% 17 27 12 0 0 0 289 0.07% 0.11% 0.05% 0% 0% 0% 1.13%