Income source of SC Households

State : MAHARASHTRA (27) >> District : JALGAON (478)
Block Name Total
SC Households
% of
SC Households
No. of Households with income source % of Households with income source
No. of Households with income source
1 = Cultivation
No. of Households with income source
Casual Labour
No. of Households with income source
or Full-Time
Domestic Service
No. of Households with income source
Rag Picking
No. of Households with income source
Own Account
No. of Households with income source
Alms collection
No. of Households with income source
%. of Households with income source
1 =
%. of Households with income source
Casual Labour
%. of Households with income source
or Full-Time
Domestic Service
%. of Households with income source
Rag Picking
%. of Households with income source
Own Account
%. of Households with income source
Alms collection
%. of Households with income source
AMALNER (4396) 41024 3071 7.49% 498 2422 19 5 14 25 88 1.21% 5.9% 0.05% 0.01% 0.03% 0.06% 0.21%
BHADGAON (4397) 27105 2949 10.88% 382 2383 22 4 25 17 115 1.41% 8.79% 0.08% 0.01% 0.09% 0.06% 0.42%
BHUSAWAL (4398) 29694 4011 13.51% 108 2070 24 30 40 17 1722 0.36% 6.97% 0.08% 0.1% 0.13% 0.06% 5.8%
BODWAD (4399) 16500 3241 19.64% 286 2711 27 4 13 4 196 1.73% 16.43% 0.16% 0.02% 0.08% 0.02% 1.19%
CHALISGAON (4400) 69493 6919 9.96% 1191 5024 92 24 95 31 462 1.71% 7.23% 0.13% 0.03% 0.14% 0.04% 0.66%
CHOPDA (4401) 52370 3871 7.39% 238 3404 41 9 16 14 149 0.45% 6.5% 0.08% 0.02% 0.03% 0.03% 0.28%
DHARANGAON (4402) 28516 2326 8.16% 140 1956 41 2 6 32 149 0.49% 6.86% 0.14% 0.01% 0.02% 0.11% 0.52%
ERANDOL (4403) 28954 1806 6.24% 205 1382 25 3 16 4 171 0.71% 4.77% 0.09% 0.01% 0.06% 0.01% 0.59%
JALGAON (4404) 43907 3467 7.9% 110 2904 26 13 12 16 386 0.25% 6.61% 0.06% 0.03% 0.03% 0.04% 0.88%
JAMNER (4405) 64250 5837 9.08% 727 4738 71 19 19 31 231 1.13% 7.37% 0.11% 0.03% 0.03% 0.05% 0.36%
MUKTAINAGAR (4406) 39604 5181 13.08% 375 4145 67 44 7 25 518 0.95% 10.47% 0.17% 0.11% 0.02% 0.06% 1.31%
PACHORA (4407) 49170 3728 7.58% 403 2913 21 14 30 61 286 0.82% 5.92% 0.04% 0.03% 0.06% 0.12% 0.58%
PAROLA (4408) 33637 2136 6.35% 359 1646 29 18 6 11 67 1.07% 4.89% 0.09% 0.05% 0.02% 0.03% 0.2%
RAVER (4409) 57001 7597 13.33% 161 6518 108 22 54 16 718 0.28% 11.43% 0.19% 0.04% 0.09% 0.03% 1.26%
YAWAL (4410) 48365 5337 11.03% 143 4698 67 46 17 17 349 0.3% 9.71% 0.14% 0.1% 0.04% 0.04% 0.72%