Monthly Income of highest earning household member in SC category households

State : MAHARASHTRA (27) >> District : PUNE (490)
Block Name Total
SC Households
% of
SC Households
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
AMBEGAON (4511) 47278 1729 3.66% 1239 351 139 2.62% 0.74% 0.29%
BARAMATI (4512) 70959 9606 13.54% 6487 2296 823 9.14% 3.24% 1.16%
BHOR (4513) 34343 1715 4.99% 1107 390 214 3.22% 1.14% 0.62%
DAUND (4514) 61278 7485 12.21% 5255 1379 851 8.58% 2.25% 1.39%
HAVELI (4515) 88493 10979 12.41% 5568 3540 1871 6.29% 4% 2.11%
INDAPUR (4516) 71910 12009 16.7% 9550 1674 783 13.28% 2.33% 1.09%
JUNNAR (4517) 73577 2315 3.15% 1696 385 234 2.31% 0.52% 0.32%
KHED (4518) 64291 2846 4.43% 1746 821 279 2.72% 1.28% 0.43%
MAVAL (4519) 41283 2196 5.32% 1172 709 313 2.84% 1.72% 0.76%
MULSHI (4520) 27272 1556 5.71% 716 696 144 2.63% 2.55% 0.53%
PURANDAR (4522) 39896 2490 6.24% 1690 551 249 4.24% 1.38% 0.62%
SHIRUR (4523) 63170 4695 7.43% 3115 1096 484 4.93% 1.74% 0.77%
VELHE (4524) 11344 498 4.39% 381 92 25 3.36% 0.81% 0.22%