House ownership status of SC Households

State : UTTARAKHAND (5) >> District : PAURI GARHWAL (52)
Block Name Total
SC Households
% of
SC Households
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
BIRONKHAL (399) 9942 1049 10.55% 1025 23 1 10.31% 0.23% 0.01%
DUGGADA (400) 29100 3936 13.53% 3611 295 29 12.41% 1.01% 0.1%
DWARIKHAL (401) 8335 1028 12.33% 983 32 13 11.79% 0.38% 0.16%
EKESHWAR (402) 6938 1083 15.61% 1027 43 13 14.8% 0.62% 0.19%
KALJIKHAL (403) 7272 1898 26.1% 1851 22 25 25.45% 0.3% 0.34%
KHIRSU (404) 6467 952 14.72% 841 63 48 13% 0.97% 0.74%
KOT (405) 5867 1379 23.5% 1344 25 10 22.91% 0.43% 0.17%
NAINIDANDA (406) 7872 1115 14.16% 1057 47 9 13.43% 0.6% 0.11%
PABAU (407) 8059 1323 16.42% 1277 44 2 15.85% 0.55% 0.02%
PAURI (408) 6910 1569 22.71% 1502 43 24 21.74% 0.62% 0.35%
POKHRA (409) 5290 634 11.98% 614 17 3 11.61% 0.32% 0.06%
RIKHNIKHAL (410) 6887 421 6.11% 409 11 1 5.94% 0.16% 0.01%
THALISAIN (411) 11818 1098 9.29% 1050 45 3 8.88% 0.38% 0.03%
YAMKESHWAR (412) 9905 1273 12.85% 1189 25 58 12% 0.25% 0.59%
ZAHRIKHAL (413) 6359 565 8.89% 533 23 9 8.38% 0.36% 0.14%