House ownership status of SC Households

State : ANDHRA PRADESH (28) >> District : KRISHNA (510) >> Block : PAMARRU (5133)
GP Name Total
SC Households
% of
SC Households
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
ADDADA (203585) 287 144 50.17% 138 6 0 48.08% 2.09% 0%
AINAMPUDI (203587) 230 147 63.91% 129 18 0 56.09% 7.83% 0%
BALLIPARRU (203586) 209 167 79.9% 149 4 14 71.29% 1.91% 6.7%
JUJJAVARAM (203588) 785 84 10.7% 77 2 5 9.81% 0.25% 0.64%
KANUMURU (203589) 705 252 35.74% 222 24 6 31.49% 3.4% 0.85%
KOMARAVOLU (203591) 643 345 53.65% 332 12 1 51.63% 1.87% 0.16%
KONDIPARRU (203592) 344 106 30.81% 101 5 0 29.36% 1.45% 0%
KORIMERLA (203593) 343 111 32.36% 85 3 5 24.78% 0.87% 1.46%
KURUMADDALI (203594) 909 227 24.97% 191 34 2 21.01% 3.74% 0.22%
NIBHANUPUDI (203595) 135 61 45.19% 57 4 0 42.22% 2.96% 0%
NIMMAKURU (203596) 298 71 23.83% 66 5 0 22.15% 1.68% 0%
NIMMALURU (203597) 343 111 32.36% 85 3 5 24.78% 0.87% 1.46%
PAMARRU (203598) 5578 1241 22.25% 1007 230 1 18.05% 4.12% 0.02%
PASUMARRU (203599) 564 270 47.87% 254 14 2 45.04% 2.48% 0.35%
PEDAMADDALI (203600) 996 511 51.31% 452 53 6 45.38% 5.32% 0.6%
POLAVARAM (203601) 122 2 1.64% 2 0 0 1.64% 0% 0%
PRAKARLA (203602) 120 95 79.17% 93 2 0 77.5% 1.67% 0%
Perisepalli (203590) 276 131 47.46% 121 9 1 43.84% 3.26% 0.36%
RAPARLA (203603) 295 90 30.51% 86 4 0 29.15% 1.36% 0%
RIMMANAPUDI (203604) 349 275 78.8% 238 37 0 68.19% 10.6% 0%
UNDRAPUDI (203605) 244 29 11.89% 29 0 0 11.89% 0% 0%
URUTURU (203606) 256 85 33.2% 82 2 1 32.03% 0.78% 0.39%
YELAKURRU (203607) 396 19 4.8% 17 2 0 4.29% 0.51% 0%
ZAMIDAGGUMILLI (203608) 135 0 0% 0 0 0 0% 0% 0%
ZAMIGOLVEPALLI (203609) 779 252 32.35% 216 22 14 27.73% 2.82% 1.8%