Income source of Other Than SC/ST Households

State : MEGHALAYA (17)
District Name Total
Total Other
Than SC/ST Households
No. of Households with income source % of Households with income source
No. of Households with income source
1 = Cultivation
No. of Households with income source
Casual Labour
No. of Households with income source
or Full-Time
Domestic Service
No. of Households with income source
Rag Picking
No. of Households with income source
Own Account
No. of Households with income source
Alms collection
No. of Households with income source
%. of Households with income source
1 =
%. of Households with income source
Casual Labour
%. of Households with income source
or Full-Time
Domestic Service
%. of Households with income source
Rag Picking
%. of Households with income source
Own Account
%. of Households with income source
Alms collection
%. of Households with income source
EAST GARO HILLS (273) 22435 57 15 17 2 0 0 0 23 0.07% 0.08% 0.01% 0% 0% 0% 0.1%
EAST JAINTIA HILLS (657) 22197 502 85 253 7 0 11 0 146 0.38% 1.14% 0.03% 0% 0.05% 0% 0.66%
EAST KHASI HILLS (274) 128931 10653 272 3210 149 2 230 2 6788 0.21% 2.49% 0.12% 0% 0.18% 0% 5.26%
NORTH GARO HILLS (656) 29984 67 9 8 4 0 15 0 31 0.03% 0.03% 0.01% 0% 0.05% 0% 0.1%
RI BHOI (276) 45228 2962 488 1024 266 0 216 1 967 1.08% 2.26% 0.59% 0% 0.48% 0% 2.14%
SOUTH GARO HILLS (277) 21856 449 67 146 36 0 49 3 148 0.31% 0.67% 0.16% 0% 0.22% 0.01% 0.68%
SOUTH WEST GARO HILLS (663) 33042 5656 763 2897 354 8 394 88 1152 2.31% 8.77% 1.07% 0.02% 1.19% 0.27% 3.49%
SOUTH WEST KHASI HILLS (658) 16990 305 11 192 14 0 20 0 68 0.06% 1.13% 0.08% 0% 0.12% 0% 0.4%
WEST GARO HILLS (278) 76626 20032 2626 11508 898 92 362 286 4260 3.43% 15.02% 1.17% 0.12% 0.47% 0.37% 5.56%
WEST JAINTIA HILLS (275) 43805 450 57 192 4 0 7 0 190 0.13% 0.44% 0.01% 0% 0.02% 0% 0.43%
WEST KHASI HILLS (279) 42265 72 21 15 15 0 3 1 17 0.05% 0.04% 0.04% 0% 0.01% 0% 0.04%