Income source of Other Than SC/ST Households

State : UTTARAKHAND (5) >> District : PAURI GARHWAL (52)
Block Name Total
Total Other
Than SC/ST Households
No. of Households with income source % of Households with income source
No. of Households with income source
1 = Cultivation
No. of Households with income source
Casual Labour
No. of Households with income source
or Full-Time
Domestic Service
No. of Households with income source
Rag Picking
No. of Households with income source
Own Account
No. of Households with income source
Alms collection
No. of Households with income source
%. of Households with income source
1 =
%. of Households with income source
Casual Labour
%. of Households with income source
or Full-Time
Domestic Service
%. of Households with income source
Rag Picking
%. of Households with income source
Own Account
%. of Households with income source
Alms collection
%. of Households with income source
BIRONKHAL (399) 9942 8887 6135 962 22 7 33 12 1716 61.71% 9.68% 0.22% 0.07% 0.33% 0.12% 17.26%
DUGGADA (400) 29100 24816 3178 2917 1492 47 451 145 16586 10.92% 10.02% 5.13% 0.16% 1.55% 0.5% 57%
DWARIKHAL (401) 8335 7307 2881 906 109 21 69 12 3309 34.57% 10.87% 1.31% 0.25% 0.83% 0.14% 39.7%
EKESHWAR (402) 6938 5841 3286 380 43 10 87 3 2032 47.36% 5.48% 0.62% 0.14% 1.25% 0.04% 29.29%
KALJIKHAL (403) 7272 5371 1720 687 51 10 137 4 2762 23.65% 9.45% 0.7% 0.14% 1.88% 0.06% 37.98%
KHIRSU (404) 6467 5508 930 311 221 1 40 8 3997 14.38% 4.81% 3.42% 0.02% 0.62% 0.12% 61.81%
KOT (405) 5867 4485 1615 727 73 0 186 13 1871 27.53% 12.39% 1.24% 0% 3.17% 0.22% 31.89%
NAINIDANDA (406) 7872 6748 1018 4005 154 2 28 2 1539 12.93% 50.88% 1.96% 0.03% 0.36% 0.03% 19.55%
PABAU (407) 8059 6735 3337 458 95 1 124 6 2714 41.41% 5.68% 1.18% 0.01% 1.54% 0.07% 33.68%
PAURI (408) 6910 5340 2093 327 54 4 55 2 2805 30.29% 4.73% 0.78% 0.06% 0.8% 0.03% 40.59%
POKHRA (409) 5290 4656 2751 320 30 5 6 2 1542 52% 6.05% 0.57% 0.09% 0.11% 0.04% 29.15%
RIKHNIKHAL (410) 6887 6465 3285 758 425 50 15 3 1929 47.7% 11.01% 6.17% 0.73% 0.22% 0.04% 28.01%
THALISAIN (411) 11818 10717 8346 174 26 1 21 8 2141 70.62% 1.47% 0.22% 0.01% 0.18% 0.07% 18.12%
YAMKESHWAR (412) 9905 8627 2866 2738 251 3 36 106 2627 28.93% 27.64% 2.53% 0.03% 0.36% 1.07% 26.52%
ZAHRIKHAL (413) 6359 5791 2733 467 177 18 28 20 2348 42.98% 7.34% 2.78% 0.28% 0.44% 0.31% 36.92%