Income source of Other Than SC/ST Households

State : MAHARASHTRA (27) >> District : PUNE (490)
Block Name Total
Total Other
Than SC/ST Households
No. of Households with income source % of Households with income source
No. of Households with income source
1 = Cultivation
No. of Households with income source
Casual Labour
No. of Households with income source
or Full-Time
Domestic Service
No. of Households with income source
Rag Picking
No. of Households with income source
Own Account
No. of Households with income source
Alms collection
No. of Households with income source
%. of Households with income source
1 =
%. of Households with income source
Casual Labour
%. of Households with income source
or Full-Time
Domestic Service
%. of Households with income source
Rag Picking
%. of Households with income source
Own Account
%. of Households with income source
Alms collection
%. of Households with income source
AMBEGAON (4511) 47278 35565 22808 6804 822 51 2111 58 2911 48.24% 14.39% 1.74% 0.11% 4.47% 0.12% 6.16%
BARAMATI (4512) 70959 60746 24508 20922 4312 193 2217 156 8437 34.54% 29.48% 6.08% 0.27% 3.12% 0.22% 11.89%
BHOR (4513) 34343 31837 16581 7543 3231 83 722 103 3532 48.28% 21.96% 9.41% 0.24% 2.1% 0.3% 10.28%
DAUND (4514) 61278 52751 25962 16662 2566 185 1147 140 6089 42.37% 27.19% 4.19% 0.3% 1.87% 0.23% 9.94%
HAVELI (4515) 88493 75676 19170 17754 5831 146 2713 252 29810 21.66% 20.06% 6.59% 0.16% 3.07% 0.28% 33.69%
INDAPUR (4516) 71910 59064 28639 20637 2416 110 1291 158 5810 39.83% 28.7% 3.36% 0.15% 1.8% 0.22% 8.08%
JUNNAR (4517) 73577 56641 32125 15460 1104 28 2314 106 5495 43.66% 21.01% 1.5% 0.04% 3.15% 0.14% 7.47%
KHED (4518) 64291 53661 29866 9804 3734 122 1316 79 8735 46.45% 15.25% 5.81% 0.19% 2.05% 0.12% 13.59%
MAVAL (4519) 41283 35719 12083 7950 5071 116 823 74 9599 29.27% 19.26% 12.28% 0.28% 1.99% 0.18% 23.25%
MULSHI (4520) 27272 24665 9278 4068 6573 137 536 27 4016 34.02% 14.92% 24.1% 0.5% 1.97% 0.1% 14.73%
PURANDAR (4522) 39896 36721 22702 6740 1515 114 1332 96 4222 56.9% 16.89% 3.8% 0.29% 3.34% 0.24% 10.58%
SHIRUR (4523) 63170 57044 33376 10237 1739 29 1133 83 10447 52.84% 16.21% 2.75% 0.05% 1.79% 0.13% 16.54%
VELHE (4524) 11344 10479 6637 2687 266 13 224 21 631 58.51% 23.69% 2.34% 0.11% 1.97% 0.19% 5.56%