Monthly Income of highest earning household member in Other Than SC/ST category households

State : CHHATTISGARH (22) >> District : KONDAGAON (643) >> Block : BADERAJPUR (3590)
GP Name Total
Total Other Than
SC/ST Households
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
AAMGANON (121783) 217 74 73 0 1 33.64% 0% 0.46%
BADAGAON (121784) 365 45 42 1 2 11.51% 0.27% 0.55%
BADBATTAR (121785) 524 93 92 1 0 17.56% 0.19% 0%
BADERAJPUR (121786) 782 189 177 5 7 22.63% 0.64% 0.9%
BAIJANPURI (121787) 415 43 43 0 0 10.36% 0% 0%
BALENGA (121788) 653 54 53 0 1 8.12% 0% 0.15%
BANSKOT (121789) 914 293 267 22 4 29.21% 2.41% 0.44%
BASTARBUDRA (263394) 286 51 51 0 0 17.83% 0% 0%
CHHINDLI (121790) 446 11 7 1 3 1.57% 0.22% 0.67%
CHHOTERAJPUR (121791) 532 69 68 1 0 12.78% 0.19% 0%
DHAMANPURI (121792) 255 12 11 1 0 4.31% 0.39% 0%
DONDRA (121793) 195 18 18 0 0 9.23% 0% 0%
GAMHRI (121794) 459 179 168 10 1 36.6% 2.18% 0.22%
HARWEL (121795) 350 35 33 1 0 9.43% 0.29% 0%
HATMA (121796) 295 23 23 0 0 7.8% 0% 0%
HONAWANDI (121797) 248 15 15 0 0 6.05% 0% 0%
JODEKERA (121798) 256 22 22 0 0 8.59% 0% 0%
KALGAON (263396) 230 14 14 0 0 6.09% 0% 0%
KAUNDKERA (121799) 538 261 258 1 2 47.96% 0.19% 0.37%
KHAJRAWAND (121800) 261 54 54 0 0 20.69% 0% 0%
KHALARI (121801) 411 100 96 3 1 23.36% 0.73% 0.24%
KIBDA (121802) 263 15 14 1 0 5.32% 0.38% 0%
KONGERA (121803) 209 26 26 0 0 12.44% 0% 0%
KOPRA (121804) 614 75 75 0 0 12.21% 0% 0%
KORGAON (121805) 651 209 179 24 6 27.5% 3.69% 0.92%
KORHOBEDA (121806) 297 76 70 6 0 23.57% 2.02% 0%
KOSAMI (121807) 378 79 72 6 1 19.05% 1.59% 0.26%
LIHAGAON (121808) 555 144 135 9 0 24.32% 1.62% 0%
MACHALI (121809) 381 24 24 0 0 6.3% 0% 0%
MANDOKI KHARGAON (121810) 411 79 79 0 0 19.22% 0% 0%
MARANGPURI (121811) 410 161 151 10 0 36.83% 2.44% 0%
NAUKABEDA (263388) 235 2 2 0 0 0.85% 0% 0%
PALNA (121812) 441 185 181 2 2 41.04% 0.45% 0.45%
PAROND (121813) 392 94 89 3 2 22.7% 0.77% 0.51%
PENDRAWAND (121814) 304 55 48 4 3 15.79% 1.32% 0.99%
PIDAPAL (121815) 261 28 28 0 0 10.73% 0% 0%
PITECHUA (121816) 325 102 96 5 1 29.54% 1.54% 0.31%
SALNA (121817) 626 388 370 13 4 59.11% 2.08% 0.64%
SONPUR (263392) 257 20 20 0 0 7.78% 0% 0%
TENWSA (121818) 365 69 69 0 0 18.9% 0% 0%
TITRAWAND (121819) 636 149 145 4 0 22.8% 0.63% 0%