House ownership status of Other Than SC/ST Households

State : UTTARAKHAND (5) >> District : DEHRADUN (49)
Block Name Total
Total Other
Than SC/ST Households
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
CHAKRATA (379) 8477 1039 640 386 13 7.55% 4.55% 0.15%
DOIWALA (380) 40328 35741 32572 2670 494 80.77% 6.62% 1.22%
KALSI (381) 7203 646 416 195 35 5.78% 2.71% 0.49%
RAIPUR (382) 40823 35644 29749 4123 1772 72.87% 10.1% 4.34%
SAHASPUR (383) 32764 28442 25827 2076 535 78.83% 6.34% 1.63%
VIKASNAGAR (384) 25862 18819 17886 608 324 69.16% 2.35% 1.25%