House ownership status of Other Than SC/ST Households

State : RAJASTHAN (8) >> District : BHILWARA (92) >> Block : KOTRI (624)
GP Name Total
Total Other
Than SC/ST Households
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
AAMA (35750) 485 433 425 4 4 87.63% 0.82% 0.82%
AASOP (35752) 865 646 635 2 9 73.41% 0.23% 1.04%
AKOLA (35751) 980 845 811 34 0 82.76% 3.47% 0%
BADLA (35753) 991 722 716 6 0 72.25% 0.61% 0%
BAN KA KHEDA (35755) 1118 870 831 37 2 74.33% 3.31% 0.18%
BARLIYAS (35754) 1221 814 771 42 1 63.14% 3.44% 0.08%
BIRDHOL (35756) 1020 819 807 1 11 79.12% 0.1% 1.08%
BISHNIYA (35757) 891 709 697 10 2 78.23% 1.12% 0.22%
BORDA (35758) 725 531 526 3 2 72.55% 0.41% 0.28%
CHHAPDEL (35759) 860 632 627 5 0 72.91% 0.58% 0%
DANTRA (35760) 683 443 435 6 2 63.69% 0.88% 0.29%
GAHULI (35762) 1121 907 889 12 5 79.3% 1.07% 0.45%
GEGA KA KHEDA (35761) 848 613 603 8 2 71.11% 0.94% 0.24%
GENDLIYA (35763) 1023 753 736 9 8 71.95% 0.88% 0.78%
JAWAL (35764) 830 574 571 3 0 68.8% 0.36% 0%
JEEVA KHEDA (35765) 1091 885 882 0 0 80.84% 0% 0%
KAKROLIYA GHATI (35766) 1501 1043 1026 11 3 68.35% 0.73% 0.2%
KANTI (35767) 728 570 549 9 12 75.41% 1.24% 1.65%
KISHANGARH (35768) 650 459 454 2 3 69.85% 0.31% 0.46%
KOTHAJ (35769) 999 608 595 9 4 59.56% 0.9% 0.4%
KOTRI (35770) 2466 2035 1794 212 29 72.75% 8.6% 1.18%
LASADIYA (35771) 903 772 759 4 9 84.05% 0.44% 1%
MANSHA (35772) 1267 985 976 6 3 77.03% 0.47% 0.24%
NANDRAI (35773) 1541 1175 1136 34 5 73.72% 2.21% 0.32%
PAROLI (35774) 1504 1100 1059 31 8 70.41% 2.06% 0.53%
RASED (35775) 751 541 533 8 0 70.97% 1.07% 0%
REDWAS (35776) 1007 811 802 8 1 79.64% 0.79% 0.1%
REETH (35777) 1263 959 944 3 8 74.74% 0.24% 0.63%
SANKHARA (35778) 933 715 707 6 2 75.78% 0.64% 0.21%
SATOLA KA KHERA (35779) 839 559 544 14 1 64.84% 1.67% 0.12%
SAWAIPUR (35781) 1057 855 817 26 10 77.29% 2.46% 0.95%
SUTHEPA (35780) 641 483 468 12 3 73.01% 1.87% 0.47%
UDLIYAS (35782) 621 509 505 4 0 81.32% 0.64% 0%