House ownership status of Other Than SC/ST Households

State : TAMIL NADU (33) >> District : SALEM (584) >> Block : PANAMARATHUPATTI (6299)
GP Name Total
Total Other
Than SC/ST Households
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
AMANIKONDALAMPATTI (227728) 4944 3818 2663 1141 2 53.86% 23.08% 0.04%
AMMAPALAYAM (227729) 594 482 438 43 1 73.74% 7.24% 0.17%
DASANAICKENPATTI (227730) 1419 1124 688 434 1 48.48% 30.58% 0.07%
ERVADIVANIYAMPADI (227731) 1359 1195 1151 37 7 84.69% 2.72% 0.52%
GAJJALNAICKENPATTI (227732) 1145 700 593 105 2 51.79% 9.17% 0.17%
KAMMALAPATTI (227733) 628 374 344 29 1 54.78% 4.62% 0.16%
KURALNATHAM (227734) 982 285 274 7 4 27.9% 0.71% 0.41%
MOOKKUTHIPALAYAM (227735) 243 212 209 3 0 86.01% 1.23% 0%
NAZHIKKALPATTI (227736) 1917 1316 1217 90 8 63.48% 4.69% 0.42%
NEIKKARAPATTY (227737) 2526 2325 1659 658 6 65.68% 26.05% 0.24%
NILAVARAPATTI (227738) 1209 1135 943 192 0 78% 15.88% 0%
PALLITHERUPATTI (227739) 194 194 187 6 1 96.39% 3.09% 0.52%
PARAPATTI (227740) 1044 1020 991 27 2 94.92% 2.59% 0.19%
PERAMANUR (227741) 967 513 433 78 2 44.78% 8.07% 0.21%
SANTHIYUR (227742) 407 222 218 4 0 53.56% 0.98% 0%
SANTHIYUR ATTAYAMPATTY (227743) 967 513 433 78 2 44.78% 8.07% 0.21%
THAMMANAICKENPATTY (227744) 1082 839 741 59 39 68.48% 5.45% 3.6%
THIPPAMPATTY (227745) 834 577 487 69 21 58.39% 8.27% 2.52%
THUMBALPATTI (227746) 1372 275 261 5 9 19.02% 0.36% 0.66%
VAZHAKKUTTAPATTI (227747) 799 577 563 14 0 70.46% 1.75% 0%