House ownership status of Other Than SC/ST Households

State : TAMIL NADU (33) >> District : SALEM (584) >> Block : MECHERI (6296)
GP Name Total
Total Other
Than SC/ST Households
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
Amaram (227669) 610 583 574 8 1 94.1% 1.31% 0.16%
Aranganoor (227670) 1638 962 929 32 1 56.72% 1.95% 0.06%
Banapuram (227671) 1035 996 972 20 2 93.91% 1.93% 0.19%
Bukkampatti (227672) 1167 1016 1006 8 0 86.2% 0.69% 0%
Koonandiyur (227673) 1050 1039 1022 17 0 97.33% 1.62% 0%
Koppampatti (227674) 554 554 542 12 0 97.83% 2.17% 0%
Kuttapatti (227675) 2340 1977 1920 48 9 82.05% 2.05% 0.38%
M. Kalipatti (227676) 1868 1777 1720 55 2 92.08% 2.94% 0.11%
M. N. Patti (227677) 473 395 392 2 1 82.88% 0.42% 0.21%
Mallikundam (227678) 2580 2249 2214 28 5 85.81% 1.09% 0.19%
Olaipatti (227679) 2450 1729 1408 319 2 57.47% 13.02% 0.08%
Pallipatti (227680) 1899 1783 1774 8 1 93.42% 0.42% 0.05%
Pottaneri (227681) 1603 1516 1462 51 3 91.2% 3.18% 0.19%
Sathapadi (227682) 734 422 413 6 3 56.27% 0.82% 0.41%
Thethigiripatti (227683) 1337 1216 1201 14 1 89.83% 1.05% 0.07%
Vellar (227684) 2513 2116 2000 103 13 79.59% 4.1% 0.52%
Virudhasampatti (227685) 1648 1595 1545 47 3 93.75% 2.85% 0.18%