House ownership status of Other Than SC/ST Households

State : HIMACHAL PRADESH (2) >> District : SHIMLA (23) >> Block : RAMPUR (191)
GP Name Total
Total Other
Than SC/ST Households
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
BADHAL (239289) 263 118 89 27 2 33.84% 10.27% 0.76%
BAHLI (9787) 364 271 241 19 11 66.21% 5.22% 3.02%
BHADHAWALI (9786) 555 419 294 124 1 52.97% 22.34% 0.18%
CHANDI BRANDA (BP) (9788) 275 237 231 6 0 84% 2.18% 0%
DANSA (BP) (9789) 638 333 287 34 12 44.98% 5.33% 1.88%
DARKALI (BP) (9790) 209 131 129 2 0 61.72% 0.96% 0%
DEOTHI (BP) (9791) 361 339 327 12 0 90.58% 3.32% 0%
DEV NAGAR (DAWLA) (9792) 335 221 219 2 0 65.37% 0.6% 0%
DHAR-GAURA (9793) 491 274 227 46 1 46.23% 9.37% 0.2%
DOFDA (9794) 816 468 443 14 11 54.29% 1.72% 1.35%
DUTTNAGAR (9795) 592 389 299 71 19 50.51% 11.99% 3.21%
GOPALPUR (9796) 516 340 297 39 4 57.56% 7.56% 0.78%
JHAKHRI (9797) 1196 738 230 493 15 19.23% 41.22% 1.25%
KASHAPAT (BP) (9798) 283 281 275 6 0 97.17% 2.12% 0%
KINNU (BP) (9799) 380 361 354 6 1 93.16% 1.58% 0.26%
KOOT (BP) (9801) 145 103 96 7 0 66.21% 4.83% 0%
KUHAL (BP) (9800) 410 330 316 12 2 77.07% 2.93% 0.49%
KYAO (239288) 162 69 64 5 0 39.51% 3.09% 0%
LABANA SADANA (BP) (9802) 315 193 187 4 2 59.37% 1.27% 0.63%
LALSA (9803) 364 265 261 4 0 71.7% 1.1% 0%
MUNISH (BP) (9804) 287 172 167 4 1 58.19% 1.39% 0.35%
NARAIN (9805) 563 450 400 11 39 71.05% 1.95% 6.93%
NEERATH (239290) 374 133 117 13 3 31.28% 3.48% 0.8%
PHANCHA (BP) (9806) 293 176 154 22 0 52.56% 7.51% 0%
RACHOLI (9807) 1073 633 399 232 2 37.19% 21.62% 0.19%
SARAHAN (9808) 967 633 592 40 1 61.22% 4.14% 0.1%
SARPARA (BP) (9809) 257 179 175 4 0 68.09% 1.56% 0%
SHAHDHAR (9810) 486 202 179 15 8 36.83% 3.09% 1.65%
SHINGLA (9811) 723 439 395 44 0 54.63% 6.09% 0%
TAKLECH (9812) 499 331 307 22 2 61.52% 4.41% 0.4%
TYAVAL JEORI (9813) 881 737 212 509 16 24.06% 57.78% 1.82%