House ownership status of Other Than SC/ST Households

State : TRIPURA (16) >> District : West Tripura (272) >> Block : Mohanpur (2445)
GP Name Total
Total Other
Than SC/ST Households
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
Abhicharan (254237) 1300 35 35 0 0 2.69% 0% 0%
Bijoy Nagar (245506) 571 363 351 4 8 61.47% 0.7% 1.4%
Brahmakunda (104402) 1121 509 457 25 27 40.77% 2.23% 2.41%
Fatikcherra (104404) 2838 1498 1278 191 29 45.03% 6.73% 1.02%
Gajaria (261248) 2328 1306 1218 34 53 52.32% 1.46% 2.28%
Harinakhola (104405) 3936 2903 2636 106 161 66.97% 2.69% 4.09%
Hezamara Bac (6942) 3240 1783 1377 55 350 42.5% 1.7% 10.8%
Ishanpur (104406) 485 318 289 14 15 59.59% 2.89% 3.09%
Kalacherra (104407) 704 355 294 7 54 41.76% 0.99% 7.67%
Kalkalia (104408) 2328 1306 1218 34 53 52.32% 1.46% 2.28%
Kamalghat (104409) 2838 1498 1278 191 29 45.03% 6.73% 1.02%
Lefunga Bac (6944) 1284 226 217 2 7 16.9% 0.16% 0.55%
Mantala (104412) 640 375 162 1 211 25.31% 0.16% 32.97%
Meglibandh (254148) 994 581 469 15 97 47.18% 1.51% 9.76%
Mohinipur (104414) 1873 1327 1212 37 76 64.71% 1.98% 4.06%
Rangachara (261249) 1873 1327 1212 37 76 64.71% 1.98% 4.06%
Sarat Chowdhury (254156) 1121 509 457 25 27 40.77% 2.23% 2.41%
Satdubia (104423) 2328 1306 1218 34 53 52.32% 1.46% 2.28%
Simna (261245) 1121 509 457 25 27 40.77% 2.23% 2.41%
Sonaram (254157) 1125 693 451 15 226 40.09% 1.33% 20.09%
South Taranagar (104425) 5220 3129 2853 108 168 54.66% 2.07% 3.22%
Vidyasagar (104428) 994 581 469 15 97 47.18% 1.51% 9.76%
West Fatikcherra (261246) 2838 1498 1278 191 29 45.03% 6.73% 1.02%
West Kamalghat (261247) 2838 1498 1278 191 29 45.03% 6.73% 1.02%