House ownership status of Other Than SC/ST Households

State : TRIPURA (16) >> District : North Tripura (270) >> Block : Jubarajnagar (6727)
GP Name Total
Total Other
Than SC/ST Households
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
Bagbasa (104046) 849 456 443 6 7 52.18% 0.71% 0.82%
Balidhum (254304) 798 423 105 317 1 13.16% 39.72% 0.13%
Charupasa (261223) 1100 641 597 24 20 54.27% 2.18% 1.82%
Dewanpasa (104050) 1952 1437 1340 32 65 68.65% 1.64% 3.33%
Dhupirbond (104051) 1592 1363 1281 18 63 80.46% 1.13% 3.96%
East Tilthai (104061) 980 917 831 5 81 84.8% 0.51% 8.27%
Huplong (104052) 1053 986 654 318 13 62.11% 30.2% 1.23%
Jubarajnagar (104054) 968 821 815 5 1 84.19% 0.52% 0.1%
Kameswar (104055) 1695 1531 1427 60 25 84.19% 3.54% 1.47%
Lalcherra (104056) 1592 1363 1281 18 63 80.46% 1.13% 3.96%
Madhuban (254305) 295 181 181 0 0 61.36% 0% 0%
Mangalkhali (261222) 968 821 815 5 1 84.19% 0.52% 0.1%
Noagaon (254310) 2398 1669 1551 20 96 64.68% 0.83% 4%
North Ganganagar (104057) 1549 1213 1108 14 89 71.53% 0.9% 5.75%
Radhapur (104062) 978 935 884 35 15 90.39% 3.58% 1.53%
South Ganganagar (104066) 1549 1213 1108 14 89 71.53% 0.9% 5.75%
Sripur (104067) 1952 1437 1340 32 65 68.65% 1.64% 3.33%
Tangibari (104068) 1695 1531 1427 60 25 84.19% 3.54% 1.47%
Uptakhali (104069) 1100 641 597 24 20 54.27% 2.18% 1.82%
West Dewanpasa (261221) 849 456 443 6 7 52.18% 0.71% 0.82%
West Tilthai (104059) 1275 1098 1012 5 81 79.37% 0.39% 6.35%
Zaithang (254306) 849 456 443 6 7 52.18% 0.71% 0.82%