Block Name | Total Households |
Total Female Headed Households |
% of Female Headed Households | No. of Households with income source | % of Households with income source | ||||||||||||
1 = Cultivation | Casual Labour |
2=Manual or Full-Time Domestic Service |
3=Part-time Rag Picking |
4=Foraging Own Account Enterprise |
5=Non-agriculturalAlms collection |
6=Begging/Charity/Others |
7=Cultivation |
1 = Casual Labour |
2=Manual or Full-Time Domestic Service |
3=Part-time Rag Picking |
4=Foraging Own Account Enterprise |
5=Non-agriculturalAlms collection |
6=Begging/Charity/Others |
KAIRANA (1429) | 27948 | 2081 | 7.45% | 812 | 809 | 28 | 17 | 32 | 5 | 378 | 2.91% | 2.89% | 0.1% | 0.06% | 0.11% | 0.02% | 1.35% |
KANDHLA (1430) | 19173 | 1541 | 8.04% | 601 | 693 | 19 | 3 | 26 | 2 | 197 | 3.13% | 3.61% | 0.1% | 0.02% | 0.14% | 0.01% | 1.03% |
SHAMLI (1436) | 24986 | 2143 | 8.58% | 1099 | 748 | 23 | 5 | 36 | 7 | 225 | 4.4% | 2.99% | 0.09% | 0.02% | 0.14% | 0.03% | 0.9% |
THANA BHAWAN (1437) | 34025 | 2500 | 7.35% | 1137 | 1013 | 60 | 11 | 7 | 3 | 269 | 3.34% | 2.98% | 0.18% | 0.03% | 0.02% | 0.01% | 0.79% |
UN (1438) | 38075 | 3349 | 8.8% | 1383 | 1266 | 80 | 9 | 52 | 7 | 551 | 3.63% | 3.33% | 0.21% | 0.02% | 0.14% | 0.02% | 1.45% |