Monthly Income of highest earning household member in Female Headed category households

District Name Total
Female Headed Households
% of Female Headed Households No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
ANANTNAG (1) 252507 12817 5.08% 9662 1589 1566 3.83% 0.63% 0.62%
BADGAM (2) 127154 8090 6.36% 5712 1181 1197 4.49% 0.93% 0.94%
BANDIPORA (623) 108412 6666 6.15% 4918 850 898 4.54% 0.78% 0.83%
BARAMULLA (3) 175909 9849 5.6% 7189 1316 1344 4.09% 0.75% 0.76%
DODA (4) 113479 9934 8.75% 7692 591 1651 6.78% 0.52% 1.45%
GANDERBAL (626) 65249 3903 5.98% 2823 615 465 4.33% 0.94% 0.71%
JAMMU (5) 209537 35605 16.99% 16768 6636 12201 8% 3.17% 5.82%
KARGIL (6) 19579 1386 7.08% 792 371 223 4.05% 1.89% 1.14%
KATHUA (7) 121623 11742 9.65% 7462 1505 2775 6.14% 1.24% 2.28%
KISHTWAR (620) 81082 6743 8.32% 5198 604 941 6.41% 0.74% 1.16%
KULGAM (622) 72849 3610 4.96% 3011 281 318 4.13% 0.39% 0.44%
KUPWARA (8) 309009 20018 6.48% 16668 1470 1874 5.39% 0.48% 0.61%
LEH LADAKH (9) 23603 4946 20.95% 2106 1084 1756 8.92% 4.59% 7.44%
POONCH (10) 160162 23382 14.6% 16791 2988 3603 10.48% 1.87% 2.25%
PULWAMA (11) 80045 3884 4.85% 2842 565 477 3.55% 0.71% 0.6%
RAJAURI (12) 211003 24891 11.8% 16582 2209 6100 7.86% 1.05% 2.89%
RAMBAN (621) 104666 7468 7.14% 6234 442 792 5.96% 0.42% 0.76%
REASI (627) 81959 7532 9.19% 5863 656 1013 7.15% 0.8% 1.24%
SAMBA (624) 65247 10649 16.32% 4204 1923 4522 6.44% 2.95% 6.93%
SHOPIAN (625) 40552 1703 4.2% 1207 311 185 2.98% 0.77% 0.46%
SRINAGAR (13) 4405 200 4.54% 105 75 20 2.38% 1.7% 0.45%
UDHAMPUR (14) 107932 11769 10.9% 7901 1684 2184 7.32% 1.56% 2.02%