Monthly Income of highest earning household member in Female Headed category households

State : JAMMU AND KASHMIR (1) >> District : GANDERBAL (626) >> Block : KANGAN (120)
GP Name Total
Female Headed Households
% of Female Headed Households No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
Akhal-A (242296) 898 91 10.13% 72 6 13 8.02% 0.67% 1.45%
Akhal-B (242297) 776 80 10.31% 62 5 13 7.99% 0.64% 1.68%
Arigoripora (242276) 398 29 7.29% 25 2 2 6.28% 0.5% 0.5%
Barwulla (242278) 171 16 9.36% 11 4 1 6.43% 2.34% 0.58%
Burnabugh (242280) 695 82 11.8% 61 15 6 8.78% 2.16% 0.86%
Chattergul A (Babareshi) (242273) 1162 81 6.97% 72 3 6 6.2% 0.26% 0.52%
Chattergul C (Syed Shaib) (242275) 1162 81 6.97% 72 3 6 6.2% 0.26% 0.52%
Chattergul-B (242274) 1162 81 6.97% 72 3 6 6.2% 0.26% 0.52%
Cherwan A (242282) 387 24 6.2% 15 8 1 3.88% 2.07% 0.26%
Cherwan B (242283) 387 24 6.2% 15 8 1 3.88% 2.07% 0.26%
Hayen (242284) 419 31 7.4% 26 3 2 6.21% 0.72% 0.48%
Kachnambal-A (242312) 436 33 7.57% 22 10 1 5.05% 2.29% 0.23%
Kachnambal-B (242313) 356 27 7.58% 20 6 1 5.62% 1.69% 0.28%
Kangan-A (242298) 726 61 8.4% 29 12 20 3.99% 1.65% 2.75%
Kangan-B (242299) 726 61 8.4% 29 12 20 3.99% 1.65% 2.75%
Khanan (242279) 263 23 8.75% 20 3 0 7.6% 1.14% 0%
Kijpora (242277) 281 34 12.1% 7 18 9 2.49% 6.41% 3.2%
Mammer-A (242304) 433 23 5.31% 20 1 2 4.62% 0.23% 0.46%
Mammer-B (242305) 433 23 5.31% 20 1 2 4.62% 0.23% 0.46%
Margund (242281) 273 23 8.42% 20 1 2 7.33% 0.37% 0.73%
Poshker (289128) 487 60 12.32% 46 11 3 9.45% 2.26% 0.62%
Preng A (242314) 417 58 13.91% 46 9 3 11.03% 2.16% 0.72%
Preng B (242315) 588 70 11.9% 55 9 6 9.35% 1.53% 1.02%
Surfraw A (242290) 133 9 6.77% 8 1 0 6.02% 0.75% 0%
Surfraw B (242291) 133 9 6.77% 8 1 0 6.02% 0.75% 0%
Thune-A (242302) 604 42 6.95% 34 4 4 5.63% 0.66% 0.66%
Thune-B (242303) 604 42 6.95% 34 4 4 5.63% 0.66% 0.66%
Thune-C (289129) 604 42 6.95% 34 4 4 5.63% 0.66% 0.66%
Wangath A (242301) 898 56 6.24% 52 3 1 5.79% 0.33% 0.11%
Wangath B (242300) 898 56 6.24% 52 3 1 5.79% 0.33% 0.11%
Wanghat-C (289127) 898 56 6.24% 52 3 1 5.79% 0.33% 0.11%
Woussan A (242294) 743 32 4.31% 28 0 4 3.77% 0% 0.54%
Woussan B (242295) 909 38 4.18% 33 1 4 3.63% 0.11% 0.44%
Yachama (242287) 314 18 5.73% 16 1 1 5.1% 0.32% 0.32%