Monthly Income of highest earning household member in Female Headed category households

State : JAMMU AND KASHMIR (1) >> District : BANDIPORA (623) >> Block : HAJIN (25)
GP Name Total
Female Headed Households
% of Female Headed Households No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
Ajas A (242466) 1825 104 5.7% 70 15 19 3.84% 0.82% 1.04%
Ajas B (242467) 1825 104 5.7% 70 15 19 3.84% 0.82% 1.04%
Ajas C (242468) 1825 104 5.7% 70 15 19 3.84% 0.82% 1.04%
Ajas D (242469) 1825 104 5.7% 70 15 19 3.84% 0.82% 1.04%
Ajas E (288986) 1825 104 5.7% 70 15 19 3.84% 0.82% 1.04%
Chanderger (242472) 48 2 4.17% 2 0 0 4.17% 0% 0%
Chewa (245444) 482 31 6.43% 26 2 3 5.39% 0.41% 0.62%
Gundprang (242480) 515 15 2.91% 7 5 3 1.36% 0.97% 0.58%
Hakbara-A (242473) 764 43 5.63% 30 3 10 3.93% 0.39% 1.31%
HakbaraB (242474) 864 45 5.21% 31 3 11 3.59% 0.35% 1.27%
Madwan A (242478) 297 12 4.04% 11 1 0 3.7% 0.34% 0%
Madwan B (242479) 297 12 4.04% 11 1 0 3.7% 0.34% 0%
Rakhi Hajin (242481) 372 16 4.3% 13 2 1 3.49% 0.54% 0.27%
S.K. Bala-A (242470) 1053 33 3.13% 20 6 7 1.9% 0.57% 0.66%
S.K. Bala-B (242471) 1053 33 3.13% 20 6 7 1.9% 0.57% 0.66%
S.K. Payeen (242465) 431 37 8.58% 23 10 4 5.34% 2.32% 0.93%
Sadunara A (242475) 1394 118 8.46% 99 11 8 7.1% 0.79% 0.57%
Sadunara B (242476) 1483 117 7.89% 98 11 8 6.61% 0.74% 0.54%
Sadunara C (242477) 1255 109 8.69% 91 10 8 7.25% 0.8% 0.64%