Monthly Income of highest earning household member in Female Headed category households

State : JAMMU AND KASHMIR (1) >> District : RAMBAN (621) >> Block : RAMBAN (52)
GP Name Total
Female Headed Households
% of Female Headed Households No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
Ahdwa (239557) 266 26 9.77% 20 3 3 7.52% 1.13% 1.13%
BALIHOTE -B (276404) 404 8 1.98% 8 0 0 1.98% 0% 0%
Balawat (239558) 448 26 5.8% 24 1 1 5.36% 0.22% 0.22%
Balihote-A (7144) 798 23 2.88% 21 2 0 2.63% 0.25% 0%
Chanderkote (7147) 255 22 8.63% 20 0 2 7.84% 0% 0.78%
Dandrath-A(Jawag) (7148) 1371 116 8.46% 107 5 4 7.8% 0.36% 0.29%
Dandrath-B(Halla) (239562) 1116 95 8.51% 86 5 4 7.71% 0.45% 0.36%
Dandrath-C (239563) 1284 105 8.18% 96 5 4 7.48% 0.39% 0.31%
Demote-A (7149) 512 41 8.01% 30 6 5 5.86% 1.17% 0.98%
Demote-B (239564) 512 41 8.01% 30 6 5 5.86% 1.17% 0.98%
Gam (7151) 675 41 6.07% 40 1 0 5.93% 0.15% 0%
Ganote (7153) 575 24 4.17% 24 0 0 4.17% 0% 0%
Kanthi (239570) 433 38 8.78% 26 4 8 6% 0.92% 1.85%
Kunfer (239561) 344 27 7.85% 21 4 2 6.1% 1.16% 0.58%
Maitra Gibind Pora-A (7156) 942 45 4.78% 36 1 8 3.82% 0.11% 0.85%
Maitra Gibind Pora-B (239573) 942 45 4.78% 36 1 8 3.82% 0.11% 0.85%
Marog (239574) 467 29 6.21% 28 1 0 6% 0.21% 0%
Neera (7157) 258 15 5.81% 11 3 1 4.26% 1.16% 0.39%
Pernote-A (7158) 672 53 7.89% 43 4 6 6.4% 0.6% 0.89%
Pernote-B (239575) 672 53 7.89% 43 4 6 6.4% 0.6% 0.89%
Sawani (7161) 391 34 8.7% 34 0 0 8.7% 0% 0%
Seri-A (7162) 892 88 9.87% 55 16 17 6.17% 1.79% 1.91%
Seri-B (239578) 705 70 9.93% 37 16 17 5.25% 2.27% 2.41%
Sildhar (7163) 439 34 7.74% 28 6 0 6.38% 1.37% 0%