Monthly Income of highest earning household member in Female Headed category households

State : JAMMU AND KASHMIR (1) >> District : BARAMULLA (3) >> Block : Chandil Wangam (7007)
GP Name Total
Female Headed Households
% of Female Headed Households No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
Buderkote (241985) 198 11 5.56% 8 0 3 4.04% 0% 1.52%
Chandil Wanigam (241984) 135 8 5.93% 5 3 0 3.7% 2.22% 0%
Dardpora (241982) 264 13 4.92% 13 0 0 4.92% 0% 0%
Devpora (241981) 264 13 4.92% 13 0 0 4.92% 0% 0%
Gogaldara (241983) 357 32 8.96% 31 1 0 8.68% 0.28% 0%
Gojigund (242354) 264 13 4.92% 13 0 0 4.92% 0% 0%
Kulhama (241976) 241 10 4.15% 6 0 4 2.49% 0% 1.66%
Zandpal Ganiwani (288838) 327 27 8.26% 23 2 2 7.03% 0.61% 0.61%