House ownership status of Female Headed Households

State : UTTARAKHAND (5) >> District : CHAMOLI (47)
Block Name Total
Female Headed Households
% of Female Headed Households No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
DASHOLI (366) 8351 1886 22.58% 1815 32 39 21.73% 0.38% 0.47%
DEWAL (367) 4173 881 21.11% 855 22 4 20.49% 0.53% 0.1%
GAIRSAIN (368) 10601 3173 29.93% 3111 52 9 29.35% 0.49% 0.08%
GHAT (369) 7474 1594 21.33% 1519 70 5 20.32% 0.94% 0.07%
JOSHIMATH (370) 5704 1159 20.32% 1134 16 8 19.88% 0.28% 0.14%
KARNAPRAYAG (371) 10493 3829 36.49% 3757 58 14 35.8% 0.55% 0.13%
NARAYANBAGAR (372) 6940 2018 29.08% 1945 59 10 28.03% 0.85% 0.14%
POKHARI (373) 7080 2111 29.82% 2039 38 34 28.8% 0.54% 0.48%
THARALI (374) 5620 1378 24.52% 1311 33 7 23.33% 0.59% 0.12%