House ownership status of Female Headed Households

State : UTTARAKHAND (5) >> District : ALMORA (45)
Block Name Total
Female Headed Households
% of Female Headed Households No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
BHAISIYA CHHANA (352) 5710 1368 23.96% 1275 80 13 22.33% 1.4% 0.23%
BHIKIYASAIN (353) 7120 2855 40.1% 2820 29 5 39.61% 0.41% 0.07%
CHAUKHUTIYA (354) 10650 4270 40.09% 4056 102 112 38.08% 0.96% 1.05%
DHAULADEVI (355) 12921 3126 24.19% 3001 75 50 23.23% 0.58% 0.39%
DWARAHAT (356) 13155 5201 39.54% 5067 91 43 38.52% 0.69% 0.33%
HAWALBAG (357) 16281 5016 30.81% 4462 354 75 27.41% 2.17% 0.46%
LAMGARA (358) 10997 2885 26.23% 2785 84 15 25.33% 0.76% 0.14%
SULT (359) 12241 4664 38.1% 4556 65 40 37.22% 0.53% 0.33%
SYALDEY (360) 10314 3911 37.92% 3861 43 7 37.43% 0.42% 0.07%
TAKULA (361) 10719 3739 34.88% 3555 132 51 33.17% 1.23% 0.48%
TARIKHET (362) 14071 4403 31.29% 4092 251 58 29.08% 1.78% 0.41%