House ownership status of Female Headed Households

State : MADHYA PRADESH (23) >> District : JABALPUR (411)
Block Name Total
Female Headed Households
% of Female Headed Households No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
JABALPUR (3866) 37070 4432 11.96% 3945 133 331 10.64% 0.36% 0.89%
KUNDAM (3867) 26602 3053 11.48% 2911 53 67 10.94% 0.2% 0.25%
MAJHOULI (3868) 40416 4963 12.28% 4731 120 99 11.71% 0.3% 0.24%
PANAGAR (3869) 28119 3624 12.89% 3331 127 99 11.85% 0.45% 0.35%
PATAN (3870) 28750 2677 9.31% 2547 43 59 8.86% 0.15% 0.21%
SHAHPURA (3871) 38912 3798 9.76% 3566 86 121 9.16% 0.22% 0.31%
SIHORA (3872) 32636 4120 12.62% 3930 97 83 12.04% 0.3% 0.25%