House ownership status of Female Headed Households

State : KARNATAKA (29) >> District : BENGALURU URBAN (525) >> Block : BENGALURU EAST (5760)
GP Name Total
Female Headed Households
% of Female Headed Households No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
AVALAHALLI (215374) 2930 285 9.73% 109 173 1 3.72% 5.9% 0.03%
BIDARAHALLI (215375) 2992 343 11.46% 248 94 1 8.29% 3.14% 0.03%
DODDABANAHALLI (215379) 3028 328 10.83% 171 152 5 5.65% 5.02% 0.17%
DODDAGUBBI (245243) 2291 294 12.83% 222 64 8 9.69% 2.79% 0.35%
HALANAYAKANAHALLI (245242) 1397 122 8.73% 65 56 1 4.65% 4.01% 0.07%
KANNAMANGALA (272987) 1483 179 12.07% 137 40 0 9.24% 2.7% 0%
KANNURU (245241) 4421 490 11.08% 369 101 20 8.35% 2.28% 0.45%
KITTAGANURU (272988) 1277 135 10.57% 83 47 1 6.5% 3.68% 0.08%
KODATHI (245245) 2249 291 12.94% 197 92 2 8.76% 4.09% 0.09%
MANDURU (215386) 2225 255 11.46% 180 73 2 8.09% 3.28% 0.09%
SHEEGEHALLI (245244) 1284 115 8.96% 83 27 5 6.46% 2.1% 0.39%