House ownership status of Female Headed Households

State : WEST BENGAL (19) >> District : 24 PARAGANAS NORTH (303) >> Block : HABRA-I (2735)
GP Name Total
Female Headed Households
% of Female Headed Households No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
BARGOOM-I (107896) 4597 549 11.94% 490 19 40 10.66% 0.41% 0.87%
BARGUM-II (107897) 6049 732 12.1% 680 10 42 11.24% 0.17% 0.69%
KUMRA (107898) 9268 1132 12.21% 1046 12 73 11.29% 0.13% 0.79%
MACHHLANDAPUR-I (107899) 9803 1246 12.71% 1029 119 98 10.5% 1.21% 1%
MACHHLANDAPUR-II (107900) 8586 855 9.96% 747 36 72 8.7% 0.42% 0.84%
PRITHIBA (107901) 9951 1013 10.18% 934 26 52 9.39% 0.26% 0.52%
RAUTARA (107902) 6818 644 9.45% 589 19 35 8.64% 0.28% 0.51%