Monthly Income of highest earning household member in Disabled Member category households

State : MAHARASHTRA (27) >> District : SINDHUDURG (495)
Block Name Total
Disabled Member Households
% of Disabled Member Households No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
DEOGAD (4570) 24404 1529 6.27% 1294 149 86 5.3% 0.61% 0.35%
DODAMARG (4571) 10992 734 6.68% 609 96 29 5.54% 0.87% 0.26%
KANKAVALI (4572) 28053 1846 6.58% 1558 182 106 5.55% 0.65% 0.38%
KUDAL (4573) 34074 2172 6.37% 1895 172 105 5.56% 0.5% 0.31%
MALVAN (4574) 24537 1319 5.38% 1132 130 57 4.61% 0.53% 0.23%
SAWANTWADI (4575) 29769 2041 6.86% 1722 222 97 5.78% 0.75% 0.33%
VAIBHAVAWADI (4576) 10651 825 7.75% 679 106 40 6.37% 1% 0.38%
VENGURLA (4577) 18335 996 5.43% 846 107 43 4.61% 0.58% 0.23%