Monthly Income of highest earning household member in Disabled Member category households

State : PUNJAB (3) >> District : MANSA (37) >> Block : JHUNIR (306)
GP Name Total
Disabled Member Households
% of Disabled Member Households No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
BAJEWALA (17156) 814 46 5.65% 32 10 4 3.93% 1.23% 0.49%
BANA WALA (17157) 404 10 2.48% 8 1 1 1.98% 0.25% 0.25%
BEERAE WALA JATTAN (17158) 309 15 4.85% 6 6 3 1.94% 1.94% 0.97%
BEHNIWAL (17159) 805 32 3.98% 19 9 4 2.36% 1.12% 0.5%
BHALIKE (17160) 293 16 5.46% 13 3 0 4.44% 1.02% 0%
BHAMME KALAN (17161) 698 122 17.48% 71 49 2 10.17% 7.02% 0.29%
BHAMME KHURD (17162) 307 46 14.98% 33 12 1 10.75% 3.91% 0.33%
BURAJ BHALIKE (17163) 332 12 3.61% 8 3 1 2.41% 0.9% 0.3%
CHACHUHAR (235906) 95 18 18.95% 11 5 2 11.58% 5.26% 2.11%
CHAINE WALA (17166) 317 10 3.15% 8 2 0 2.52% 0.63% 0%
CHAPPIAN WALI (17164) 224 11 4.91% 3 6 2 1.34% 2.68% 0.89%
CHEHLAN WALA (17165) 453 11 2.43% 4 5 2 0.88% 1.1% 0.44%
DALEL WALA (235907) 475 54 11.37% 45 8 1 9.47% 1.68% 0.21%
DALIAE WALI (17167) 356 22 6.18% 9 5 8 2.53% 1.4% 2.25%
DANEWALA (17168) 349 13 3.72% 7 4 2 2.01% 1.15% 0.57%
DASODIAN (17169) 247 19 7.69% 16 2 1 6.48% 0.81% 0.4%
DHINGAR (17170) 652 91 13.96% 56 12 23 8.59% 1.84% 3.53%
FATEHPUR (17171) 504 32 6.35% 16 5 11 3.17% 0.99% 2.18%
GHUDU WALA (17172) 263 20 7.6% 11 2 7 4.18% 0.76% 2.66%
GHURKANI (17173) 375 20 5.33% 15 4 1 4% 1.07% 0.27%
JHERIAWALI (17174) 476 30 6.3% 25 3 2 5.25% 0.63% 0.42%
JHUNIR (17175) 1427 51 3.57% 40 8 3 2.8% 0.56% 0.21%
JORKIAN (17176) 432 47 10.88% 21 23 3 4.86% 5.32% 0.69%
KHIALI CHEHLAWALI (17177) 388 100 25.77% 84 13 2 21.65% 3.35% 0.52%
KORWALA (17178) 318 35 11.01% 30 3 2 9.43% 0.94% 0.63%
KOT DHARMU (17179) 785 109 13.89% 61 43 5 7.77% 5.48% 0.64%
LALIANWALI (17180) 369 24 6.5% 16 7 1 4.34% 1.9% 0.27%
MAKHA (17181) 607 95 15.65% 44 27 24 7.25% 4.45% 3.95%
MAKHE WALA (17182) 359 33 9.19% 31 2 0 8.64% 0.56% 0%
MIAN (17183) 271 12 4.43% 5 2 5 1.85% 0.74% 1.85%
MODDHA (17184) 55 5 9.09% 4 0 1 7.27% 0% 1.82%
MOFAR (17185) 312 31 9.94% 26 1 4 8.33% 0.32% 1.28%
NANDGARH (235908) 340 20 5.88% 9 5 6 2.65% 1.47% 1.76%
PERON (17186) 358 13 3.63% 7 3 3 1.96% 0.84% 0.84%
RAIPUR (17187) 1157 137 11.84% 75 38 24 6.48% 3.28% 2.07%
RAMANANDI (17188) 272 63 23.16% 48 12 3 17.65% 4.41% 1.1%
Raipur-2 (277578) 1157 137 11.84% 75 38 24 6.48% 3.28% 2.07%
SAHANEWALI (17189) 278 8 2.88% 5 3 0 1.8% 1.08% 0%
TALWANDI AKLIA (17190) 306 26 8.5% 10 13 3 3.27% 4.25% 0.98%
TANDIAN (17191) 284 20 7.04% 18 2 0 6.34% 0.7% 0%
UDDAT BHAGAT RAM (17192) 431 71 16.47% 49 22 0 11.37% 5.1% 0%
ULLAK (17193) 288 9 3.12% 7 0 2 2.43% 0% 0.69%