Monthly Income of highest earning household member in Disabled Member category households

State : PUNJAB (3) >> District : LUDHIANA (36) >> Block : PAKHOWAL (299)
GP Name Total
Disabled Member Households
% of Disabled Member Households No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
BALLOWAL (16790) 403 34 8.44% 20 7 7 4.96% 1.74% 1.74%
BARHAMPUR (16791) 305 26 8.52% 23 3 0 7.54% 0.98% 0%
BARUNDI (16792) 720 28 3.89% 18 6 4 2.5% 0.83% 0.56%
BHAINI RORA (238293) 365 30 8.22% 27 3 0 7.4% 0.82% 0%
BIHLA (16794) 289 12 4.15% 8 3 1 2.77% 1.04% 0.35%
BURJ LATTAN (16799) 404 7 1.73% 4 0 3 0.99% 0% 0.74%
CHAMINDA (238294) 406 17 4.19% 11 3 3 2.71% 0.74% 0.74%
CHHAPAAR (16801) 1427 37 2.59% 18 14 5 1.26% 0.98% 0.35%
CHHOKAR (16802) 123 1 0.81% 0 1 0 0% 0.81% 0%
DHAIPAI (16804) 476 6 1.26% 3 1 2 0.63% 0.21% 0.42%
DHALIAN (16805) 214 10 4.67% 8 1 1 3.74% 0.47% 0.47%
DHANGON (16806) 396 16 4.04% 5 5 6 1.26% 1.26% 1.52%
DHULKOT (16807) 622 4 0.64% 2 0 2 0.32% 0% 0.32%
DOLON KALAN (16808) 503 14 2.78% 10 1 3 1.99% 0.2% 0.6%
DOLON KHURD (16809) 157 2 1.27% 2 0 0 1.27% 0% 0%
GHUNGRANA (16810) 599 5 0.83% 2 1 2 0.33% 0.17% 0.33%
GUJJARWAL (16812) 775 18 2.32% 10 5 3 1.29% 0.65% 0.39%
HARGOBINDPUR NAGAR COLONY(ABADI) (16813) 1427 37 2.59% 18 14 5 1.26% 0.98% 0.35%
JAND (16814) 277 6 2.17% 5 1 0 1.81% 0.36% 0%
JODHAN (16817) 639 23 3.6% 4 8 11 0.63% 1.25% 1.72%
JURAHAN (16818) 172 1 0.58% 0 0 1 0% 0% 0.58%
KAILE (16819) 227 66 29.07% 25 25 16 11.01% 11.01% 7.05%
KHANDOOR (17024) 376 11 2.93% 7 4 0 1.86% 1.06% 0%
LATALA (16823) 863 51 5.91% 28 13 10 3.24% 1.51% 1.16%
LOHGARH (16826) 299 7 2.34% 7 0 0 2.34% 0% 0%
Leel (16824) 357 27 7.56% 24 2 1 6.72% 0.56% 0.28%
MAHERNA KALAN (16827) 469 18 3.84% 10 5 3 2.13% 1.07% 0.64%
MANSURAN (16829) 530 22 4.15% 11 8 3 2.08% 1.51% 0.57%
NANGAL KALAN (16831) 249 6 2.41% 5 1 0 2.01% 0.4% 0%
NANGAL KHURD (16832) 290 21 7.24% 14 5 2 4.83% 1.72% 0.69%
PAKHOWAL (16835) 872 17 1.95% 9 5 3 1.03% 0.57% 0.34%
PAMAL (16494) 640 20 3.12% 10 3 7 1.56% 0.47% 1.09%
PAMALI (16495) 250 1 0.4% 1 0 0 0.4% 0% 0%
PHALLEWAL (16836) 545 21 3.85% 10 3 8 1.83% 0.55% 1.47%
RACHHIN (16837) 628 4 0.64% 2 2 0 0.32% 0.32% 0%
RAJGARH (16838) 274 17 6.2% 4 8 5 1.46% 2.92% 1.82%
RANGUWAL (16839) 249 19 7.63% 12 4 3 4.82% 1.61% 1.2%
RATTAN (16840) 224 8 3.57% 3 4 1 1.34% 1.79% 0.45%
SAHAULI (17038) 588 38 6.46% 24 6 8 4.08% 1.02% 1.36%
SARABHA (16841) 669 51 7.62% 40 4 7 5.98% 0.6% 1.05%
SHAHPUR (16842) 119 2 1.68% 0 1 1 0% 0.84% 0.84%
SHAHZAD (16843) 224 7 3.12% 5 1 1 2.23% 0.45% 0.45%
TUNGAHERI (16846) 204 31 15.2% 24 5 2 11.76% 2.45% 0.98%