Monthly Income of highest earning household member in Disabled Member category households

State : MAHARASHTRA (27) >> District : SANGLI (493) >> Block : PALUS (4555)
GP Name Total
Disabled Member Households
% of Disabled Member Households No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
AMNAPUR (188718) 1177 92 7.82% 56 29 7 4.76% 2.46% 0.59%
ANDHALI (188719) 713 46 6.45% 32 10 4 4.49% 1.4% 0.56%
ANKALKHOP (188720) 1801 111 6.16% 66 30 15 3.66% 1.67% 0.83%
BAMBAVADE (188721) 1248 31 2.48% 24 6 1 1.92% 0.48% 0.08%
BHILAVADI (188722) 1975 101 5.11% 69 24 8 3.49% 1.22% 0.41%
BRAMNAL (188724) 603 30 4.98% 14 11 5 2.32% 1.82% 0.83%
BURLI (188725) 1151 54 4.69% 37 7 10 3.21% 0.61% 0.87%
BURUNGWADI (188726) 626 91 14.54% 50 32 9 7.99% 5.11% 1.44%
CHOPADEWADI (188727) 284 31 10.92% 26 3 2 9.15% 1.06% 0.7%
DHAYARI (188728) 253 22 8.7% 12 5 5 4.74% 1.98% 1.98%
DUDHANDI (188729) 1489 85 5.71% 66 11 8 4.43% 0.74% 0.54%
GHOGAON (188730) 500 22 4.4% 14 4 4 2.8% 0.8% 0.8%
HAZARWADI (188731) 257 7 2.72% 6 1 0 2.33% 0.39% 0%
KHANDOBACHIWADI (188732) 470 31 6.6% 19 7 5 4.04% 1.49% 1.06%
KHATAV (188733) 334 21 6.29% 15 5 1 4.49% 1.5% 0.3%
KUNDAL (188735) 3467 274 7.9% 108 52 114 3.12% 1.5% 3.29%
MALWADI (188736) 1264 72 5.7% 42 13 17 3.32% 1.03% 1.34%
MORALE R (188737) 338 22 6.51% 15 5 2 4.44% 1.48% 0.59%
NAGARALE (188738) 558 37 6.63% 15 11 11 2.69% 1.97% 1.97%
NAGTHANE (188739) 1255 72 5.74% 60 5 7 4.78% 0.4% 0.56%
PUNDI TARF WALWA (188741) 735 66 8.98% 28 7 31 3.81% 0.95% 4.22%
PUNDI WADI (188742) 103 8 7.77% 0 4 4 0% 3.88% 3.88%
RADEWADI (188743) 191 10 5.24% 7 3 0 3.66% 1.57% 0%
RAMANANDNAGAR (188744) 1470 84 5.71% 41 21 22 2.79% 1.43% 1.5%
SANDAGEWADI (188745) 862 30 3.48% 16 7 7 1.86% 0.81% 0.81%
SAVANTPUR (188746) 1293 46 3.56% 30 10 6 2.32% 0.77% 0.46%
SUKHWADI (188747) 260 25 9.62% 17 6 2 6.54% 2.31% 0.77%
SURYAGAON (188734) 258 2 0.78% 1 1 0 0.39% 0.39% 0%
TAVDARWADI (188748) 485 35 7.22% 11 17 7 2.27% 3.51% 1.44%
TUPARI (188749) 522 28 5.36% 20 6 2 3.83% 1.15% 0.38%
VASGADE (188750) 1085 62 5.71% 20 31 11 1.84% 2.86% 1.01%
VITTHALWADI (188751) 174 18 10.34% 15 1 2 8.62% 0.57% 1.15%