Monthly Income of highest earning household member in Disabled Member category households

State : MAHARASHTRA (27) >> District : LATUR (481) >> Block : SHIRUR ANANTPAL (4439)
GP Name Total
Disabled Member Households
% of Disabled Member Households No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
AANANDWADI (179879) 196 9 4.59% 5 0 4 2.55% 0% 2.04%
AARI (179882) 164 23 14.02% 17 4 2 10.37% 2.44% 1.22%
AJANI (BK) (179878) 379 49 12.93% 36 11 2 9.5% 2.9% 0.53%
ANKULGA (SAYYAD) (179881) 288 39 13.54% 29 6 4 10.07% 2.08% 1.39%
ANKULGARANI (179880) 422 111 26.3% 101 9 1 23.93% 2.13% 0.24%
BAKLI (179883) 423 84 19.86% 63 9 12 14.89% 2.13% 2.84%
BEVANAL (179884) 327 44 13.46% 22 19 3 6.73% 5.81% 0.92%
BHINGOLI (179885) 201 20 9.95% 11 6 3 5.47% 2.99% 1.49%
BIBARAL (179886) 186 38 20.43% 28 8 2 15.05% 4.3% 1.08%
BOLEGAON (BK) (179887) 404 59 14.6% 52 7 0 12.87% 1.73% 0%
CHAMBHARGA (179888) 193 7 3.63% 3 0 4 1.55% 0% 2.07%
DAITHANA (179889) 376 37 9.84% 16 13 8 4.26% 3.46% 2.13%
DHAMANGAON (179891) 289 37 12.8% 33 2 2 11.42% 0.69% 0.69%
DIGOL (179893) 456 98 21.49% 90 8 0 19.74% 1.75% 0%
DONGARGAON (BORI) (179894) 216 26 12.04% 20 6 0 9.26% 2.78% 0%
GANESHWADI (179895) 265 62 23.4% 54 5 3 20.38% 1.89% 1.13%
HALKI (179896) 556 43 7.73% 34 5 4 6.12% 0.9% 0.72%
HIPPALGAON (179898) 517 57 11.03% 44 11 2 8.51% 2.13% 0.39%
HISAMABAD (179899) 794 123 15.49% 74 24 25 9.32% 3.02% 3.15%
HONMAL (179900) 163 17 10.43% 16 0 1 9.82% 0% 0.61%
JOGALA (179901) 119 14 11.76% 12 2 0 10.08% 1.68% 0%
KALAMGAON (179902) 291 18 6.19% 13 5 0 4.47% 1.72% 0%
KAMBALGA (179903) 325 48 14.77% 45 2 1 13.85% 0.62% 0.31%
KANEGAON (179904) 260 39 15% 30 7 2 11.54% 2.69% 0.77%
KAREWADI (179905) 197 36 18.27% 22 13 1 11.17% 6.6% 0.51%
LAKKAD JAWALGA (179906) 240 19 7.92% 13 3 3 5.42% 1.25% 1.25%
NAGEWADI (179907) 176 18 10.23% 10 7 1 5.68% 3.98% 0.57%
RAPKA (179908) 226 33 14.6% 23 5 5 10.18% 2.21% 2.21%
SAKOL (179909) 1487 173 11.63% 113 36 24 7.6% 2.42% 1.61%
SANGAVIGHUGI (179910) 270 9 3.33% 5 4 0 1.85% 1.48% 0%
SHEND (179911) 290 22 7.59% 15 3 4 5.17% 1.03% 1.38%
SHIRUR-ANANTPAL (276374) 1968 221 11.23% 156 25 40 7.93% 1.27% 2.03%
SHIVPUR (179913) 425 51 12% 40 11 0 9.41% 2.59% 0%
SUMTHANA (179914) 211 19 9% 12 4 3 5.69% 1.9% 1.42%
TALEGAON (DE) (179916) 303 39 12.87% 24 7 8 7.92% 2.31% 2.64%
TALEGAONBORI (179915) 373 33 8.85% 21 10 2 5.63% 2.68% 0.54%
THEREGAON (179917) 451 89 19.73% 77 5 7 17.07% 1.11% 1.55%
TIPARAL (179918) 209 22 10.53% 16 3 3 7.66% 1.44% 1.44%
TURUKWADI (179919) 141 20 14.18% 13 5 2 9.22% 3.55% 1.42%
UMARDARA (179920) 292 34 11.64% 20 11 3 6.85% 3.77% 1.03%
WANJARKHEDA (179921) 281 33 11.74% 29 3 1 10.32% 1.07% 0.36%
YEROL (PANDARWADI) (179922) 1049 128 12.2% 96 21 11 9.15% 2% 1.05%