Monthly Income of highest earning household member in Disabled Member category households

State : MAHARASHTRA (27) >> District : LATUR (481) >> Block : DEONI (4434)
GP Name Total
Disabled Member Households
% of Disabled Member Households No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
< 5000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
5000 - 10000
No. of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member
> 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
< 5000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
5000 - 10000
% of Households with monthly Income of
highest earning household member w.r.t Total HH
> 10000
AACHAWALA (179501) 251 21 8.37% 15 5 1 5.98% 1.99% 0.4%
AAJANI (179502) 163 12 7.36% 4 6 2 2.45% 3.68% 1.23%
AAMBANAGAR (179503) 148 15 10.14% 9 5 1 6.08% 3.38% 0.68%
AAMBEGAON (179504) 327 46 14.07% 35 5 6 10.7% 1.53% 1.83%
AANANDWADI (179505) 151 5 3.31% 5 0 0 3.31% 0% 0%
AANANTWADI (179506) 216 22 10.19% 11 9 2 5.09% 4.17% 0.93%
BATNPUR (179508) 191 17 8.9% 17 0 0 8.9% 0% 0%
BOLEGAON (179510) 221 12 5.43% 10 2 0 4.52% 0.9% 0%
BOMBALI (KH) (179511) 395 62 15.7% 60 2 0 15.19% 0.51% 0%
BOPANI (179509) 217 36 16.59% 23 6 7 10.6% 2.76% 3.23%
BOROL (179512) 892 38 4.26% 20 11 7 2.24% 1.23% 0.78%
CHAWAN HIPPARGA (179513) 425 9 2.12% 6 0 3 1.41% 0% 0.71%
DAREWADI (179514) 137 19 13.87% 7 6 6 5.11% 4.38% 4.38%
DAWANHIPPARGA (179515) 666 79 11.86% 43 19 17 6.46% 2.85% 2.55%
DEONI (BK) (276377) 2433 218 8.96% 171 18 29 7.03% 0.74% 1.19%
DEONI (KH) (179516) 318 11 3.46% 11 0 0 3.46% 0% 0%
DHANEGAON (179518) 656 107 16.31% 59 31 17 8.99% 4.73% 2.59%
DONGAREWADI (179519) 55 8 14.55% 3 3 2 5.45% 5.45% 3.64%
GAUDGAON (179520) 370 50 13.51% 30 12 8 8.11% 3.24% 2.16%
GURDHAL (179521) 358 11 3.07% 5 3 3 1.4% 0.84% 0.84%
GURNAL (179522) 307 18 5.86% 12 4 2 3.91% 1.3% 0.65%
HANCHANAL (179523) 274 12 4.38% 12 0 0 4.38% 0% 0%
HELAMB (179524) 587 88 14.99% 28 47 13 4.77% 8.01% 2.21%
HISAMNAGAR (179525) 359 91 25.35% 55 28 8 15.32% 7.8% 2.23%
HONALI (179526) 367 82 22.34% 50 16 16 13.62% 4.36% 4.36%
IEENDRAL (179527) 281 26 9.25% 18 5 3 6.41% 1.78% 1.07%
JAWALGA (179528) 1200 150 12.5% 128 15 7 10.67% 1.25% 0.58%
KAMALWADI (179529) 276 32 11.59% 30 2 0 10.87% 0.72% 0%
KAMARODINPUR (179530) 321 51 15.89% 39 10 2 12.15% 3.12% 0.62%
KAWATHALA (179531) 672 61 9.08% 59 2 0 8.78% 0.3% 0%
KONALI (179532) 336 34 10.12% 21 8 5 6.25% 2.38% 1.49%
LASONA (179534) 483 28 5.8% 21 3 4 4.35% 0.62% 0.83%
MANKI (179535) 134 11 8.21% 9 1 1 6.72% 0.75% 0.75%
NAGARAL (179536) 311 55 17.68% 46 9 0 14.79% 2.89% 0%
NAGATIRTHWADI (236938) 112 10 8.93% 4 1 5 3.57% 0.89% 4.46%
NEKNAL (179537) 252 41 16.27% 24 10 7 9.52% 3.97% 2.78%
SANGAM (179538) 186 23 12.37% 15 3 5 8.06% 1.61% 2.69%
SAWARGAON (179539) 287 38 13.24% 26 7 5 9.06% 2.44% 1.74%
SAYYADPUR (179540) 352 36 10.23% 28 6 2 7.95% 1.7% 0.57%
SINDHIKAMAT (179541) 160 5 3.12% 4 1 0 2.5% 0.62% 0%
TAKLI (179542) 417 62 14.87% 16 19 27 3.84% 4.56% 6.47%
TALEGAON (BHO) (179543) 462 24 5.19% 21 3 0 4.55% 0.65% 0%
VILEGAON (179544) 528 69 13.07% 55 8 6 10.42% 1.52% 1.14%
WADMURAMBI (179545) 346 37 10.69% 28 7 2 8.09% 2.02% 0.58%
WALANDI (179547) 982 88 8.96% 64 15 9 6.52% 1.53% 0.92%
WANGADARI (179546) 217 10 4.61% 6 3 1 2.76% 1.38% 0.46%