All Households Summary

State : ARUNACHAL PRADESH (12) >> District : UPPER SUBANSIRI (241)
Block Name Total Households Landless households deriving major part of their income from manual casual labour % Households with non-agricultural enterprises registered with government % Households paying income tax / professional tax % Households with Destitutes/living on alms % Households with salaried job in government % Households with salaried job in Public % Households with salaried job in Private % Monthly income of highest earning household member is < 5000 % Monthly income of highest earning household member is 5000 - 10000 % Monthly income of highest earning household member is > 10000 % Household with government job and reporting monthly highest income > 5000 % Households having motorized two/three/four wheelers and fishing boats % Households having 2 wheeler % Households having 3 wheeler % Households having 4 wheeler % Households having motorized fishing boat % Households Own a refrigerator % Households Own a landline phone % Households Owns mobile only % Households Owns both landline and mobile % Household without any phone % Households owning mechanized three/four wheeler agricultural equipments % Households having kisan credit card with the credit limit of Rs.50,000 and above % Total Households owning un-irrrigated land % Total Households owning irrrigated land % Total Households owning other land % Households with irrigation equipments % Household who have no land but have irrigation equipment % Household which don't own land but have kissan credit card %
BARIRIJO (6801) 1120 33 2.95% 31 2.77% 200 17.86% 0 0% 141 12.59% 2 0.18% 3 0.27% 909 81.16% 120 10.71% 91 8.12% 123 10.98% 518 46.25% 501 44.73% 5 0.45% 11 0.98% 1 0.09% 47 4.2% 64 5.71% 250 22.32% 36 3.21% 770 68.75% 6 0.54% 5 0.45% 632 56.43% 356 31.79% 390 34.82% 3 0.27% 0 0% 0 0%
CHETAM (6800) 1297 23 1.77% 68 5.24% 45 3.47% 0 0% 135 10.41% 12 0.93% 2 0.15% 1159 89.36% 51 3.93% 87 6.71% 66 5.09% 485 37.39% 458 35.31% 5 0.39% 18 1.39% 4 0.31% 112 8.64% 57 4.39% 164 12.64% 29 2.24% 1047 80.72% 41 3.16% 39 3.01% 896 69.08% 688 53.05% 717 55.28% 41 3.16% 2 0.15% 0 0%
DAPORIJO (2276) 1205 32 2.66% 67 5.56% 87 7.22% 0 0% 224 18.59% 11 0.91% 17 1.41% 890 73.86% 137 11.37% 178 14.77% 185 15.35% 388 32.2% 351 29.13% 0 0% 36 2.99% 1 0.08% 211 17.51% 62 5.15% 385 31.95% 71 5.89% 687 57.01% 27 2.24% 29 2.41% 799 66.31% 610 50.62% 581 48.22% 24 1.99% 1 0.08% 1 0.08%
DUMPORIJO (2278) 2732 101 3.7% 137 5.01% 184 6.73% 0 0% 588 21.52% 13 0.48% 10 0.37% 1874 68.59% 449 16.43% 409 14.97% 491 17.97% 1154 42.24% 1094 40.04% 10 0.37% 48 1.76% 2 0.07% 310 11.35% 129 4.72% 863 31.59% 238 8.71% 1502 54.98% 16 0.59% 15 0.55% 1739 63.65% 1058 38.73% 1253 45.86% 13 0.48% 1 0.04% 2 0.07%
GIBA (2275) 1148 2 0.17% 52 4.53% 60 5.23% 0 0% 118 10.28% 104 9.06% 5 0.44% 937 81.62% 101 8.8% 110 9.58% 106 9.23% 499 43.47% 486 42.33% 0 0% 12 1.05% 1 0.09% 63 5.49% 16 1.39% 221 19.25% 17 1.48% 894 77.87% 6 0.52% 11 0.96% 1001 87.2% 425 37.02% 516 44.95% 4 0.35% 3 0.26% 1 0.09%
LIMEKING (6798) 795 110 13.84% 23 2.89% 28 3.52% 0 0% 71 8.93% 1 0.13% 0 0% 471 59.25% 197 24.78% 127 15.97% 66 8.3% 493 62.01% 484 60.88% 1 0.13% 8 1.01% 0 0% 53 6.67% 12 1.51% 56 7.04% 51 6.42% 676 85.03% 6 0.75% 1 0.13% 275 34.59% 94 11.82% 90 11.32% 1 0.13% 0 0% 0 0%
NACHO (2281) 1480 1 0.07% 70 4.73% 78 5.27% 1 0.07% 99 6.69% 4 0.27% 6 0.41% 1339 90.47% 67 4.53% 74 5% 73 4.93% 231 15.61% 222 15% 3 0.2% 6 0.41% 0 0% 61 4.12% 3 0.2% 39 2.64% 18 1.22% 1420 95.95% 13 0.88% 13 0.88% 1276 86.22% 352 23.78% 470 31.76% 12 0.81% 0 0% 1 0.07%
PAYENG (6799) 1295 10 0.77% 54 4.17% 32 2.47% 0 0% 105 8.11% 5 0.39% 1 0.08% 1026 79.23% 176 13.59% 93 7.18% 93 7.18% 420 32.43% 415 32.05% 1 0.08% 4 0.31% 0 0% 75 5.79% 8 0.62% 261 20.15% 18 1.39% 1008 77.84% 2 0.15% 1 0.08% 983 75.91% 588 45.41% 595 45.95% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
PUCHI GEKO (6802) 209 6 2.87% 11 5.26% 79 37.8% 0 0% 20 9.57% 0 0% 0 0% 168 80.38% 23 11% 18 8.61% 18 8.61% 134 64.11% 130 62.2% 0 0% 4 1.91% 0 0% 17 8.13% 11 5.26% 64 30.62% 8 3.83% 126 60.29% 1 0.48% 0 0% 96 45.93% 37 17.7% 37 17.7% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Siyum (6803) 1454 57 3.92% 120 8.25% 370 25.45% 0 0% 126 8.67% 11 0.76% 3 0.21% 1124 77.3% 215 14.79% 115 7.91% 104 7.15% 625 42.98% 622 42.78% 1 0.07% 2 0.14% 0 0% 78 5.36% 26 1.79% 213 14.65% 12 0.83% 1203 82.74% 7 0.48% 5 0.34% 503 34.59% 348 23.93% 379 26.07% 4 0.28% 1 0.07% 2 0.14%
TALIHA (2285) 2145 34 1.59% 64 2.98% 76 3.54% 0 0% 221 10.3% 5 0.23% 7 0.33% 1629 75.94% 360 16.78% 156 7.27% 172 8.02% 482 22.47% 436 20.33% 1 0.05% 40 1.86% 5 0.23% 138 6.43% 34 1.59% 434 20.23% 42 1.96% 1635 76.22% 23 1.07% 19 0.89% 1442 67.23% 1156 53.89% 1235 57.58% 21 0.98% 0 0% 0 0%