All Households Summary

State : TAMIL NADU (33) >> District : DINDIGUL (572) >> Block : PALANI (6148)
GP Name Total Households Landless households deriving major part of their income from manual casual labour % Households with non-agricultural enterprises registered with government % Households paying income tax / professional tax % Households with Destitutes/living on alms % Households with salaried job in government % Households with salaried job in Public % Households with salaried job in Private % Monthly income of highest earning household member is < 5000 % Monthly income of highest earning household member is 5000 - 10000 % Monthly income of highest earning household member is > 10000 % Household with government job and reporting monthly highest income > 5000 % Households having motorized two/three/four wheelers and fishing boats % Households having 2 wheeler % Households having 3 wheeler % Households having 4 wheeler % Households having motorized fishing boat % Households Own a refrigerator % Households Own a landline phone % Households Owns mobile only % Households Owns both landline and mobile % Household without any phone % Households owning mechanized three/four wheeler agricultural equipments % Households having kisan credit card with the credit limit of Rs.50,000 and above % Total Households owning un-irrrigated land % Total Households owning irrrigated land % Total Households owning other land % Households with irrigation equipments % Household who have no land but have irrigation equipment % Household which don't own land but have kissan credit card %
A. Kalayamputhur (223397) 3122 2302 73.73% 37 1.19% 135 4.32% 0 0% 171 5.48% 16 0.51% 153 4.9% 2120 67.91% 771 24.7% 231 7.4% 165 5.29% 900 28.83% 862 27.61% 14 0.45% 24 0.77% 0 0% 281 9% 6 0.19% 2476 79.31% 75 2.4% 565 18.1% 18 0.58% 31 0.99% 141 4.52% 138 4.42% 58 1.86% 6 0.19% 0 0% 23 0.74%
AYYAMPALAYAM (223400) 558 389 69.71% 3 0.54% 2 0.36% 0 0% 6 1.08% 0 0% 3 0.54% 474 84.95% 70 12.54% 14 2.51% 6 1.08% 109 19.53% 109 19.53% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 16 2.87% 0 0% 252 45.16% 0 0% 306 54.84% 7 1.25% 38 6.81% 141 25.27% 16 2.87% 126 22.58% 106 19% 0 0% 0 0%
Amarapoondi (223398) 1344 596 44.35% 32 2.38% 15 1.12% 0 0% 28 2.08% 1 0.07% 11 0.82% 1147 85.34% 148 11.01% 49 3.65% 15 1.12% 468 34.82% 444 33.04% 6 0.45% 18 1.34% 0 0% 76 5.65% 3 0.22% 1108 82.44% 8 0.6% 225 16.74% 135 10.04% 127 9.45% 229 17.04% 122 9.08% 154 11.46% 497 36.98% 367 27.31% 79 5.88%
Andipatti (223399) 1525 1164 76.33% 1 0.07% 2 0.13% 0 0% 9 0.59% 1 0.07% 8 0.52% 1351 88.59% 84 5.51% 90 5.9% 6 0.39% 475 31.15% 457 29.97% 2 0.13% 14 0.92% 2 0.13% 26 1.7% 1 0.07% 1139 74.69% 1 0.07% 384 25.18% 213 13.97% 70 4.59% 254 16.66% 162 10.62% 100 6.56% 158 10.36% 2 0.13% 3 0.2%
Chinnakalayamputhur (223401) 1462 1039 71.07% 73 4.99% 87 5.95% 3 0.21% 81 5.54% 110 7.52% 368 25.17% 1095 74.9% 237 16.21% 130 8.89% 77 5.27% 616 42.13% 559 38.24% 10 0.68% 46 3.15% 1 0.07% 339 23.19% 12 0.82% 1224 83.72% 28 1.92% 198 13.54% 43 2.94% 30 2.05% 112 7.66% 74 5.06% 47 3.21% 55 3.76% 0 0% 1 0.07%
Chithiraikulam (223402) 466 238 51.07% 2 0.43% 4 0.86% 5 1.07% 7 1.5% 195 41.85% 67 14.38% 449 96.35% 13 2.79% 4 0.86% 4 0.86% 209 44.85% 201 43.13% 2 0.43% 6 1.29% 0 0% 24 5.15% 2 0.43% 333 71.46% 5 1.07% 126 27.04% 9 1.93% 0 0% 164 35.19% 160 34.33% 4 0.86% 81 17.38% 0 0% 0 0%
Eramanaickenpatti (223403) 523 375 71.7% 4 0.76% 5 0.96% 0 0% 11 2.1% 0 0% 5 0.96% 418 79.92% 92 17.59% 13 2.49% 10 1.91% 97 18.55% 94 17.97% 0 0% 3 0.57% 0 0% 15 2.87% 7 1.34% 359 68.64% 0 0% 157 30.02% 15 2.87% 5 0.96% 103 19.69% 49 9.37% 33 6.31% 33 6.31% 1 0.19% 0 0%
Kalikkanaickenpatti (223404) 519 384 73.99% 7 1.35% 6 1.16% 0 0% 5 0.96% 0 0% 5 0.96% 502 96.72% 12 2.31% 5 0.96% 4 0.77% 160 30.83% 154 29.67% 3 0.58% 2 0.39% 1 0.19% 18 3.47% 1 0.19% 349 67.24% 2 0.39% 167 32.18% 5 0.96% 8 1.54% 58 11.18% 3 0.58% 44 8.48% 53 10.21% 1 0.19% 1 0.19%
Kanakkanpatti (223405) 1768 1073 60.69% 4 0.23% 27 1.53% 10 0.57% 45 2.55% 0 0% 49 2.77% 1207 68.27% 457 25.85% 104 5.88% 36 2.04% 567 32.07% 535 30.26% 1 0.06% 31 1.75% 0 0% 123 6.96% 8 0.45% 1109 62.73% 47 2.66% 604 34.16% 25 1.41% 106 6% 417 23.59% 122 6.9% 15 0.85% 95 5.37% 0 0% 0 0%
Karadikoottam (223406) 3384 2309 68.23% 37 1.09% 136 4.02% 0 0% 176 5.2% 17 0.5% 167 4.93% 2327 68.76% 819 24.2% 238 7.03% 168 4.96% 987 29.17% 942 27.84% 15 0.44% 30 0.89% 0 0% 310 9.16% 6 0.18% 2689 79.46% 83 2.45% 606 17.91% 25 0.74% 31 0.92% 172 5.08% 152 4.49% 115 3.4% 16 0.47% 0 0% 23 0.68%
Kavalapatti (223407) 1611 1147 71.2% 8 0.5% 3 0.19% 0 0% 7 0.43% 6 0.37% 225 13.97% 1186 73.62% 389 24.15% 36 2.23% 6 0.37% 577 35.82% 568 35.26% 0 0% 8 0.5% 1 0.06% 74 4.59% 2 0.12% 1405 87.21% 14 0.87% 190 11.79% 17 1.06% 5 0.31% 113 7.01% 99 6.15% 345 21.42% 255 15.83% 1 0.06% 2 0.12%
Kothaimangalam (223408) 1777 1227 69.05% 29 1.63% 71 4% 4 0.23% 93 5.23% 12 0.68% 84 4.73% 1497 84.24% 173 9.74% 107 6.02% 82 4.61% 709 39.9% 656 36.92% 11 0.62% 42 2.36% 0 0% 214 12.04% 3 0.17% 1388 78.11% 24 1.35% 362 20.37% 19 1.07% 8 0.45% 121 6.81% 155 8.72% 16 0.9% 97 5.46% 2 0.11% 1 0.06%
Melakkottai (223409) 582 369 63.4% 4 0.69% 6 1.03% 0 0% 10 1.72% 3 0.52% 11 1.89% 291 50% 199 34.19% 92 15.81% 9 1.55% 231 39.69% 223 38.32% 2 0.34% 6 1.03% 0 0% 12 2.06% 0 0% 467 80.24% 18 3.09% 97 16.67% 12 2.06% 2 0.34% 168 28.87% 166 28.52% 166 28.52% 10 1.72% 1 0.17% 0 0%
Pachelanaickenpatti (223410) 537 412 76.72% 1 0.19% 19 3.54% 0 0% 21 3.91% 1 0.19% 15 2.79% 329 61.27% 161 29.98% 47 8.75% 19 3.54% 229 42.64% 224 41.71% 1 0.19% 4 0.74% 0 0% 29 5.4% 0 0% 444 82.68% 6 1.12% 87 16.2% 2 0.37% 12 2.23% 76 14.15% 87 16.2% 35 6.52% 42 7.82% 0 0% 1 0.19%
Pappampatti (223411) 2053 1812 88.26% 5 0.24% 13 0.63% 0 0% 23 1.12% 1 0.05% 27 1.32% 1765 85.97% 265 12.91% 23 1.12% 21 1.02% 445 21.68% 426 20.75% 7 0.34% 12 0.58% 0 0% 69 3.36% 12 0.58% 1721 83.83% 45 2.19% 275 13.4% 12 0.58% 1 0.05% 89 4.34% 98 4.77% 66 3.21% 19 0.93% 0 0% 0 0%
Periammapatti (223412) 1449 430 29.68% 1 0.07% 4 0.28% 1 0.07% 15 1.04% 1 0.07% 33 2.28% 1194 82.4% 220 15.18% 35 2.42% 10 0.69% 522 36.02% 497 34.3% 3 0.21% 22 1.52% 0 0% 44 3.04% 3 0.21% 1091 75.29% 2 0.14% 353 24.36% 4 0.28% 9 0.62% 345 23.81% 145 10.01% 140 9.66% 93 6.42% 0 0% 0 0%
Pethanaickenpatti (223413) 952 575 60.4% 3 0.32% 10 1.05% 0 0% 17 1.79% 1 0.11% 30 3.15% 817 85.82% 105 11.03% 30 3.15% 12 1.26% 309 32.46% 291 30.57% 1 0.11% 17 1.79% 0 0% 84 8.82% 1 0.11% 825 86.66% 3 0.32% 123 12.92% 9 0.95% 1 0.11% 73 7.67% 1 0.11% 69 7.25% 64 6.72% 0 0% 1 0.11%
Sivagiripatti (223414) 4286 1417 33.06% 297 6.93% 938 21.89% 12 0.28% 948 22.12% 45 1.05% 418 9.75% 1999 46.64% 869 20.28% 1418 33.08% 862 20.11% 2610 60.9% 2258 52.68% 38 0.89% 313 7.3% 1 0.02% 1740 40.6% 26 0.61% 3567 83.22% 407 9.5% 286 6.67% 18 0.42% 33 0.77% 258 6.02% 148 3.45% 121 2.82% 112 2.61% 4 0.09% 14 0.33%
Thamaraikulam (223415) 286 187 65.38% 1 0.35% 7 2.45% 0 0% 16 5.59% 0 0% 25 8.74% 32 11.19% 201 70.28% 53 18.53% 16 5.59% 128 44.76% 116 40.56% 0 0% 12 4.2% 0 0% 64 22.38% 2 0.7% 238 83.22% 7 2.45% 39 13.64% 6 2.1% 1 0.35% 45 15.73% 45 15.73% 43 15.03% 2 0.7% 0 0% 0 0%
Thathanaickenpatti (223416) 414 185 44.69% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 0.24% 5 1.21% 370 89.37% 41 9.9% 3 0.72% 0 0% 101 24.4% 101 24.4% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 12 2.9% 0 0% 240 57.97% 0 0% 174 42.03% 1 0.24% 23 5.56% 81 19.57% 2 0.48% 108 26.09% 54 13.04% 0 0% 1 0.24%