House ownership status of All Households

District Name Total
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
ANJAW (628) 3829 3055 238 536 79.79% 6.22% 14%
CHANGLANG (229) 5558 4624 222 712 83.2% 3.99% 12.81%
DIBANG VALLEY (230) 1299 1163 51 85 89.53% 3.93% 6.54%
EAST KAMENG (231) 8648 8184 325 139 94.63% 3.76% 1.61%
EAST SIANG (232) 11480 9315 967 1198 81.14% 8.42% 10.44%
KAMLE (718) 2014 1875 95 44 93.1% 4.72% 2.18%
KURUNG KUMEY (233) 190 187 1 2 98.42% 0.53% 1.05%
Kra Daadi (677) 207 207 0 0 100% 0% 0%
LOHIT (234) 4314 2933 898 483 67.99% 20.82% 11.2%
LONGDING (666) 6812 6689 48 75 98.19% 0.7% 1.1%
LOWER DIBANG VALLEY (235) 7796 4865 1677 1254 62.4% 21.51% 16.09%
LOWER SIANG (719) 9985 8503 744 737 85.16% 7.45% 7.38%
LOWER SUBANSIRI (236) 863 749 102 12 86.79% 11.82% 1.39%
NAMSAI (678) 10425 7605 1205 1615 72.95% 11.56% 15.49%
PAPUM PARE (237) 359 330 22 7 91.92% 6.13% 1.95%
SIANG (679) 8562 8239 195 128 96.23% 2.28% 1.49%
TAWANG (238) 8863 6990 1025 845 78.87% 11.56% 9.53%
TIRAP (239) 1050 1049 0 1 99.9% 0% 0.1%
UPPER SIANG (240) 5824 5409 188 227 92.87% 3.23% 3.9%
UPPER SUBANSIRI (241) 14880 14177 402 301 95.28% 2.7% 2.02%
WEST KAMENG (242) 11009 7860 1873 1275 71.4% 17.01% 11.58%
WEST SIANG (243) 9454 8732 385 337 92.36% 4.07% 3.56%