Excluded All Households

State : TRIPURA (16) >> District : Dhalai (269) >> Block : Chawmanu (2411)
GP Name Total
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria % of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria Atleast One Exclusion
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning motorized
two/three/four wheelers
/fishing boats
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning mechanized
three/four wheeler
agricultural equipments
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households having kisan
credit card with the credit
limit of Rs.50,000 and above
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with any
member as
government employee
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with non-agricultural
enterprises registered
with government
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with any
member earning more
than Rs. 10,000 p.m
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households paying
income tax
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households paying
professional tax
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with three
or more rooms with pucca
walls and pucca roof
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning
landline phones
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning 2.5 acres or
more irrigated land with at
least one irrigation equipment
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Household owning 5 acres or
more land irrigated for
two or more crop seasons
No. of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning 7.5 acres or
more land with at least one
irrigation equipment
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning motorized
two/three/four wheelers
/fishing boats
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning mechanized
three/four wheeler
agricultural equipments
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households having kisan
credit card with the credit
limit of Rs.50,000 and above
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with any
member as
government employee
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with non-agricultural
enterprises registered
with government
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with any
member earning more
than Rs. 10,000 p.m
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households paying
income tax
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households paying
professional tax
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households with three
or more rooms with pucca
walls and pucca roof
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning
landline phones
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning 2.5 acres or
more irrigated land with at
least one irrigation equipment
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Household owning 5 acres or
more land irrigated for
two or more crop seasons
% of Excluded Households with exclusion criteria
Households owning 7.5 acres or
more land with at least one
irrigation equipment
Chaltacherra (253815) 515 0 1 0 9 4 0 1 1 2 1 49 0 0 0 0% 0.19% 0% 1.75% 0.78% 0% 0.19% 0.19% 0.39% 0.19% 9.51% 0% 0% 0% 55
Chawmanu Bac (6920) 5661 117 138 113 398 313 148 824 824 100 448 242 0 0 0 2.07% 2.44% 2% 7.03% 5.53% 2.61% 14.56% 14.56% 1.77% 7.91% 4.27% 0% 0% 0% 1372
Chiching Cherra (253850) 789 9 21 4 9 3 0 3 3 3 5 10 0 0 0 1.14% 2.66% 0.51% 1.14% 0.38% 0% 0.38% 0.38% 0.38% 0.63% 1.27% 0% 0% 0% 59
Debacherra (253816) 316 0 19 23 1 37 1 31 31 0 30 7 0 0 0 0% 6.01% 7.28% 0.32% 11.71% 0.32% 9.81% 9.81% 0% 9.49% 2.22% 0% 0% 0% 63
Durgacherra (253817) 495 17 90 35 35 67 5 81 81 8 84 68 0 0 0 3.43% 18.18% 7.07% 7.07% 13.54% 1.01% 16.36% 16.36% 1.62% 16.97% 13.74% 0% 0% 0% 184
East Chawmanu (253824) 1628 2 87 70 30 108 2 304 304 0 119 13 0 0 0 0.12% 5.34% 4.3% 1.84% 6.63% 0.12% 18.67% 18.67% 0% 7.31% 0.8% 0% 0% 0% 382
East Gobindabari (253818) 1256 2 16 13 29 24 1 221 221 0 37 5 0 0 0 0.16% 1.27% 1.04% 2.31% 1.91% 0.08% 17.6% 17.6% 0% 2.95% 0.4% 0% 0% 0% 263
East Malidhar (253819) 2006 12 19 16 84 55 7 450 450 6 238 50 0 0 0 0.6% 0.95% 0.8% 4.19% 2.74% 0.35% 22.43% 22.43% 0.3% 11.86% 2.49% 0% 0% 0% 540
Makarcherra (253820) 2162 40 114 62 153 150 55 399 399 28 343 139 0 0 0 1.85% 5.27% 2.87% 7.08% 6.94% 2.54% 18.46% 18.46% 1.3% 15.86% 6.43% 0% 0% 0% 626
Manikpur (253821) 2006 12 19 16 84 55 7 450 450 6 238 50 0 0 0 0.6% 0.95% 0.8% 4.19% 2.74% 0.35% 22.43% 22.43% 0.3% 11.86% 2.49% 0% 0% 0% 540
Natin Manu (253822) 1256 2 16 13 29 24 1 221 221 0 37 5 0 0 0 0.16% 1.27% 1.04% 2.31% 1.91% 0.08% 17.6% 17.6% 0% 2.95% 0.4% 0% 0% 0% 263
North Longtharai (253826) 451 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 1 3 2 2 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0.89% 0% 0.22% 0.22% 0.22% 0.67% 0.44% 0.44% 0% 0% 0% 11
Rajdhar (253825) 1539 19 24 7 64 34 6 232 232 9 206 55 0 0 0 1.23% 1.56% 0.45% 4.16% 2.21% 0.39% 15.07% 15.07% 0.58% 13.39% 3.57% 0% 0% 0% 336
West Chawmanu (253823) 1497 75 7 38 207 135 92 203 203 69 67 49 0 0 0 5.01% 0.47% 2.54% 13.83% 9.02% 6.15% 13.56% 13.56% 4.61% 4.48% 3.27% 0% 0% 0% 427
West Gobindabari (253827) 1256 2 16 13 29 24 1 221 221 0 37 5 0 0 0 0.16% 1.27% 1.04% 2.31% 1.91% 0.08% 17.6% 17.6% 0% 2.95% 0.4% 0% 0% 0% 263
West Malidhar (253828) 2006 12 19 16 84 55 7 450 450 6 238 50 0 0 0 0.6% 0.95% 0.8% 4.19% 2.74% 0.35% 22.43% 22.43% 0.3% 11.86% 2.49% 0% 0% 0% 540