Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household (Urban)

State : MANIPUR (14)
District Name Total
No of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
Available Not Available
of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household not having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household not having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
All India 65133952 53009282 81.39% 12102684 18.58%
State Total 130776 74529 56.99% 56247 43.01%
Bishnupur (04) 17407 7497 43.07% 9910 56.93%
Thoubal (05) 31229 13025 41.71% 18204 58.29%
ImphalWest (06) 58689 39159 66.72% 19530 33.28%
ImphalEast (07) 20257 13135 64.84% 7122 35.16%
Chandel (09) 3194 1713 53.63% 1481 46.37%