Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household (Urban)

State : UTTARAKHAND (05)
District Name Total
No of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
Available Not Available
of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household not having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household not having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
All India 65133952 53009282 81.39% 12102684 18.58%
State Total 489031 451775 92.38% 37256 7.62%
Uttarkashi (01) 5172 4397 85.02% 775 14.98%
Chamoli (02) 11100 9848 88.72% 1252 11.28%
Rudraprayag (03) 2111 1885 89.29% 226 10.71%
TehriGarhwal (04) 8949 8473 94.68% 476 5.32%
Dehradun (05) 158740 150952 95.09% 7788 4.91%
Garhwal (06) 18432 16767 90.97% 1665 9.03%
Pithoragarh (07) 13903 12736 91.61% 1167 8.39%
Bageshwar (08) 1794 1349 75.2% 445 24.8%
Almora (09) 11672 9579 82.07% 2093 17.93%
Champawat (10) 5770 4573 79.25% 1197 20.75%
Nainital (11) 61191 55767 91.14% 5424 8.86%
UdhamSinghNagar (12) 87833 79209 90.18% 8624 9.82%
Hardwar (13) 102364 96240 94.02% 6124 5.98%