Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household (Urban)

State : MAHARASHTRA (27) >> District : Sangli (35)
Town Name Total
No of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
Available Not Available
of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household not having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household not having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
All India 65133952 53009282 81.39% 12102684 18.58%
State Total 9120640 7183676 78.76% 1936426 21.23%
District Total 135849 114415 84.22% 21434 15.78%
Ashta(MCl) (7254 ) 7202 5488 76.2% 1714 23.8%
SangliMirajKupwad(MCorp) (7257 ) 98439 84983 86.33% 13456 13.67%
Tasgaon(MCl) (7256 ) 7069 5129 72.56% 1940 27.44%
UranIslampur(MCl) (7253 ) 13936 11429 82.01% 2507 17.99%
Vita(MCl) (7255 ) 9203 7386 80.26% 1817 19.74%