Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household (Urban)

State : ODISHA (21) >> District : Koraput (29)
Town Name Total
No of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
Available Not Available
of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household not having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household not having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
All India 65133952 53009282 81.39% 12102684 18.58%
State Total 1264486 766753 60.64% 497731 39.36%
District Total 46954 29165 62.11% 17789 37.89%
Jeypur (M) (7104 ) 20343 14636 71.95% 5707 28.05%
Koraput (NAC) (7103 ) 10949 6372 58.2% 4577 41.8%
Kotpad (NAC) (7102 ) 3507 1597 45.54% 1910 54.46%
Sunabeda (NAC). (7105 ) 12155 6560 53.97% 5595 46.03%