Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household (Urban)

State : JAMMU & KASHMIR (01) >> District : Srinagar (10)
Town Name Total
No of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
Available Not Available
of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household not having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
of Household not having Water-Seal Latrine Exclusively for the Household
All India 65133952 53009282 81.39% 12102684 18.58%
State Total 492475 402368 81.7% 90107 18.3%
District Total 188178 170477 90.59% 17701 9.41%
Badami Bagh (CB) (7034 ) 2757 2693 97.68% 64 2.32%
Srinagar (M Corp.) (7033 ) 185421 167784 90.49% 17637 9.51%