Washing Machine Availability (Urban)

State : SIKKIM (11)
District Name Total
No of Household having Washing Machine availability
Available Not Available
of Household having Washing Machine
of Household having Washing Machine
of Household not having Washing Machine
of Household not having Washing Machine
All India 65133952 16050349 24.64% 48983107 75.2%
State Total 31291 4894 15.64% 26397 84.36%
North District (01) 1108 56 5.05% 1052 94.95%
West District (02) 926 31 3.35% 895 96.65%
South District (03) 4191 502 11.98% 3689 88.02%
East District (04) 25066 4305 17.17% 20761 82.83%