Washing Machine Availability (Urban)

State : NCT OF DELHI (07)
District Name Total
No of Household having Washing Machine availability
Available Not Available
of Household having Washing Machine
of Household having Washing Machine
of Household not having Washing Machine
of Household not having Washing Machine
All India 65133952 16050349 24.64% 48983107 75.2%
State Total 2340216 1446406 61.81% 893696 38.19%
North West (01) 424862 277084 65.22% 147664 34.76%
North (02) 114856 67238 58.54% 47618 41.46%
North East (03) 220566 130789 59.3% 89777 40.7%
East (04) 259480 189538 73.05% 69942 26.95%
New Delhi (05) 25555 15840 61.98% 9715 38.02%
Central (06) 111750 67972 60.83% 43778 39.17%
West (07) 393940 264162 67.06% 129778 32.94%
South West (08) 373653 209204 55.99% 164449 44.01%
South (09) 415554 224579 54.04% 190975 45.96%