Washing Machine Availability (Urban)

State : TELANGANA (36) >> District : Hyderabad (05)
Town Name Total
No of Household having Washing Machine availability
Available Not Available
of Household having Washing Machine
of Household having Washing Machine
of Household not having Washing Machine
of Household not having Washing Machine
All India 65133952 16050349 24.64% 48983107 75.2%
State Total 2600702 745281 28.66% 1854784 71.32%
District Total 912941 424426 46.49% 488511 53.51%
GHMC(MCorp)(Part) (7034 ) 39222 18292 46.64% 20930 53.36%
GHMC(MCorp)(Part) (7031 ) 91405 34906 38.19% 56499 61.81%
GHMC(MCorp)(Part) (7035 ) 79446 28384 35.73% 51058 64.27%
GHMC(MCorp)(Part) (7036 ) 90830 50321 55.4% 40509 44.6%
GHMC(MCorp)(Part) (7040 ) 44497 22149 49.78% 22348 50.22%
GHMC(MCorp)(Part) (7026 ) 76896 26894 34.97% 50002 65.03%
GHMC(MCorp)(Part) (7039 ) 64669 33052 51.11% 31617 48.89%
GHMC(MCorp)(Part) (7033 ) 26045 13524 51.93% 12521 48.07%
GHMC(MCorp)(Part) (7037 ) 46344 25664 55.38% 20680 44.62%
GHMC(MCorp)(Part) (7028 ) 32899 17576 53.42% 15323 46.58%
GreaterHyderabad(MCorp)(Part) (7038 ) 89866 48409 53.87% 41457 46.13%
GreaterHyderabad(MCorp)(Part) (7032 ) 41976 15324 36.51% 26652 63.49%
GreaterHyderabad(MCorp)(Part) (7027 ) 19229 7982 41.51% 11247 58.49%
GreaterHyderabad(MCorp)(Part) (7030 ) 46916 24978 53.24% 21938 46.76%
GreaterHyderabad(MCorp)(Part) (7041 ) 65221 37064 56.83% 28157 43.17%
OsmaniaUniversity(CT) (8046 ) 1913 664 34.71% 1249 65.29%
Secunderabad(CB) (7029 ) 55567 19243 34.63% 36324 65.37%